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Font size of product description


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How do I make it bigger?


this is the text that once you click on the product image, you see the description, price, etc.


if you don't want to install one of those editors and just want to change the size of the font for all products, you can modify the stylesheet.css. find out which class sets the font and increase the font-size setting for that class.


if you want more info on css, you can go to w3schools.com. lots of info there.

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Which class do I change in the css?


it's the class used to display the text in question. if you don't know what that is, you can find it easily yourself: go to the page where you see the text and do a 'view source' to look at the html. search through the html for the text you want, and look for the class= attribute used by the html element that holds that text. that would be the name of the css class.


on thing to note: when you change the css class, it will effect every occurrence of that class in all your pages. so if you don't want a global change, you might want to define a new class and then change your code to use the new class when displaying the product description. but play with it and see what happens first. small changes are easier to revert in case something goes wrong. :)


oh, and make backups!

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