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[Contribution] QTpro - Quantity Tracking Professional


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I've just installed this contribution and am getting negative quantities in stock using these options


Check stock level true

Subtract stock true

Allow Checkout false

Mark product out of stock ***

Stock Re-order level 5


Product Info Attribute Display Plugin multiple_dropdowns

Show Out of Stock Attributes False

Mark Out of Stock Attributes Right

Display Out of Stock Message Line True

Prevent Adding Out of Stock to Cart True


I get no messages in cart and I can buy as many products as I wish with the stock level not being checked, they just show up as a negative number in the low stock inventory report.


Any help would be appreciated


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I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with the QTPro Contribution. I've installed everything and it seems to be running well, however i'm wondering if there is a way to "order" the product attributes (ex. size goes from S-->M--->L--->XL, not M--->L--->S--->XL, or any other random order).


I noticed there is a mod out there (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1822/category,all/search,categories_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11) that does allow one to order the product attributes, however i can't figure out how to integrate it with the QTPro.


Is there any way to integrate it? or is there any other way to add an "order" feature to the Product Attributes?


Any help is much apprecaited!


Best regards,


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I noticed there is a mod out there (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1822/category,all/search,categories_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11) that does allow one to order the product attributes, however i can't figure out how to integrate it with the QTPro.


Is there any way to integrate it? or is there any other way to add an "order" feature to the Product Attributes?


You would need to add the sort-order stuff to the pad_ files I think. Might have a look at it myself if I didn't have a list as long as my arm of other stuff to do!

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I have just added the French language files - it is the first time I have experimented with language files.


I have set up the radio-set and this works fine in the three stock languages (English, German and Spanish), but in the French product info pages, all I get is the stock osC dropdowns.... can anyone please advise on what I am doing wrong? Does anyone know how to get new languages to work with QTPro??


Many thanks in advance :'(

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Many thanks for that link ArtRat - I just added the contribution with the pad_base.php edit and it works like a treat :D

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I do not need to track manufactuers, so I have that set to no in admin. Any way to get the manufacture drop down box removed from the actual product in the store?


I would like to remove the manufactuer drop down box below.

Available Options:

Color: First select Colorbrown

Size: Next select Size


Designer: Second



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I am using the latest osCommerce update (060817) and I would like to use QTP v4.25. I am also using the Register_Globals v1.5 contribution (allowing to turn register_globals off).


There are quite a few in the 060817 update, compared to the previous update, as well as in the Register_Globals contribution, and QTP v4.25 also requires the modification of many files, which makes the integration seemingly a bit long and tedious.


Anybody had tried that, or knows if it conflicts in any way?


Thanks for any help or comment.

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How many hours do you guys think i need to install this module ?

Files must be compared and, can't overwrite any files.



Probably 2-3 hours for a novice, I think :-"

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I have a trouble with QTPPRO and the option Sequenced_dropdown..


When i choose the Language French on my site the pad work very good but when i swicth in english the pad did not work good, i can choose the option i want in the order i want.


Do you have any idea ?



Thanks for your help




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I am using the latest osCommerce update (060817) and I would like to use QTP v4.25. I am also using the Register_Globals v1.5 contribution (allowing to turn register_globals off).


There are quite a few in the 060817 update, compared to the previous update, as well as in the Register_Globals contribution, and QTP v4.25 also requires the modification of many files, which makes the integration seemingly a bit long and tedious.


Anybody had tried that, or knows if it conflicts in any way?


Thanks for any help or comment.


Update, for those interested:

I made the modifications by hand, with file compares between the original osCommerce files and the QTP v4.25 files. It took me quite a few hours, but it works.


So it's possible to do.

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Is this contribution to manage this: ?



Skirt (Total Stock 45 pcs)


Option 1 (Master):


Black (Stock 30 pcs)

white (Stock 15 pcs)


Option 2 (Slave):


(Black): available sizes 34 (Stock 10 pcs.) ,36 (Stock 10 pcs.) ,38 (Stock 10 pcs.)

White: available sizes 34 (Stock 5 pcs.) ,40 (Stock 5 pcs.) ,44 (Stock 5 pcs.)


I would call it "Master Attributes Controller with Stock control (and Images) ?


The Problem is, that in clothes often a minimum of 2 attribs (Size and Colour) are used for products, but there is no

way to control it.


Is this the right contrib to control stock of Products with multiple attributes ?

Would like to know that before I try to install it.



OSC Webmakers Edition modiefied with many other contribs and enhancements.

+ STS 4.5.7 for 2.2MS2 and RC1

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Is this contribution to manage this: ?

Is this the right contrib to control stock of Products with multiple attributes ?

Would like to know that before I try to install it.





You would do far better to use Master Products - there is an old version available for download here in the contributions section (it works!)... newer versions must be found elsewhere.


For clothing it works like this:


You set up a "master" - the main product that shows in the catalog.


Then you set up "slaves" - these take the place of your attributes and are products themselves, so you can keep track of stock - they show on the master's product page. You can see it working here :)




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  • 2 weeks later...


I have two drop down fields in the product info page displayed by QT Pro in "sequenced" mode, .

It all works fine in the English, German and Spanish pages.


1. in all the products displayed in the Japanese and Chinese pages...

the drop down field which should be displayed first (colour) is displayed second

and the Drop down field which should be second (size) is displayed first.

This stuffs up the whole flow and the result is gobble-dee-gooked.


2. The French Pages show the drop down fields in proper order

All the options in the first drop down (color) are displayed below

But no options show up in the second drop down


Thanks for any advice you may be able to offer


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Thanks for the contribution. QT Pro is installed and working fairly well. I have found one problem.


When I add a product to the shopping cart it does not retain the attribute information. Before installation I would add a product and the shopping cart would display the attributes of the chose product. The product is added to the shopping cart, but the attributes are not.


I am guessing this has something to do with the fact that I am use AJAX Buy Now, a contribution that allows users to add to the shopping cart, and the product appears in a box in the left column, without refreshing the page.


By chance has anyone found a solution for this problem or have any ideas to steer me in the right direction?

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Brady that's interesting because I have a similar problem with a different contribution, Master Products. It adds normal product options to the cart but not the 'slave' options. I tried another version of the contribution (which was deleted) and that was the opposite, the slave options are added (and stock is deducted properly) but the normal product options aren't.


Have you tried adding QTPro without the AJAX Buy Now to make sure it works?

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2. The French Pages show the drop down fields in proper order. All the options in the first drop down (color) are displayed below. But no options show up in the second drop down

I think it's a little more complicated than that though. With languages other than English, German and Spanish (the stock osC languages) you'll find that only the stock osC (or base) drop-boxes show up in product_info - which render the radio-set/sequential drop-box etc settings totally useless and reverts them back to the base again. I can't see why that happens but I am on the case.

Edited by chooch

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