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The e-commerce.

PLEASE...Help a first timer


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So here the deal. I ordered a os commerce template from Classic Templates and I'm dying to get started customizing the template in Dreamweaver CS3. Yet I feel I need to install and understand more about the WHOLE os commerce side of things before I get too far down the road of create my site and their many pages.


While I've made my living working with software programs on the Mac side since 1988 and have created five website for fortune 500 companies. I feel totally lost with how all this os commerece stuff works. I spend the whole day yesterday trying desifer the os installation pdf that came with my template puchase but it reads as if it's only for those with a true knowleage base of os-com. Example: "Upload the catalog directory to your server using FTP.

All PHP files must be uploaded in ASCII mode, not binary mode.

The structure of osCommerce is: catalog,catalog/admin and extras

Upload the catalog folder which includes the admin folder to your document root

(public_html, www, htdocs) using FTP.

Using phpMyAdmin or another tool, create your database and user, and assign that user

to the database. Write down the name of the database, username, and password for this

database for the database installation procedure. "




Please find it in your heart help a fellow os commerece buddy out by telling me or directing me to a site or tutorial that would REALLY HELP a first timer like myself.



Thank you in advance for any help that you might provide,





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Okay, if you don't understand basics like ftp and root directory and ASCII and BINARY modes then you must have been sleeping while you were working for those fortune 500 companies. Those are basics and have nothing to do with oscommerce.


Visit the tips and tricks section and the roadmap for the newbies here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=307356 That ought to start you off.

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FTP is file transfer [protocol to uplaod files use any ftp tool.Google and You will find few that are free.


PhpMyAdmin is something YOu ask Your hosting company and they will explain How to use and where You can get access to it.



Upload files.

Upload data base.

Modify configure.php both use and admin and You are done with.



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