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Updating Ultimate SEO will only prevent it from happening again, not fix the damage that has been done. You have to reload those items back into the database. The code for that is listed elsewhere in this thread.



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Updating Ultimate SEO will only prevent it from happening again, not fix the damage that has been done. You have to reload those items back into the database. The code for that is listed elsewhere in this thread.






Thanks Jack,


Please forgive my less knowledge about this, Please give the instruction about How to reload those items back into the database.

and I looked all 4 pages in these thread, and not sure which code I should use.


these instructions may useful for more people with similar problems.


know you are busy and appreciate with what you done!


Many thanks!



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The instructions are on page two.





Thanks Jack,


I run the code in my database, It works perfect.


You ARE Genius!! :lol:


But I realised that on the bottom of every page, display:


Fatal error: Call to undefined method SEO_URL::db_disconnect() in /home/fli/public_html/includes/application_bottom.php on line 33



the application_bottom.php on line33 as following:




if ( is_object($seo_urls) ){








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This is the support thread for All Products SEO. Please ask support questions for other contributions in their support thread.



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I just tested the lastest version here and it does not show out of stock products. Maybe you have an older version installed?



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Hi Jack


Thanks for the reply. But I beg to differ.


Firstly, I am referring to this contribution




And NOT this one




Which is where the link in the first post and in your contributions is now pointing


I am using Version All Products SEO V 1.1 dated 2 Feb 2009


And have made no other changes except the $where from post #69


Please go here


http://www.came(remove me)racentre.co.uk/all-products.php


and click the 10x25 Pant(remove me)her to see a 404 error



I looked at the Query and I think there should be a


AND p.products_status = 1


In this line


TABLE_SPECIALS . " s on ( p.products_id = s.products_id ) $where and pd.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "'";


Is no-one else seeing this?





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Hi Jack


I diagnosed the problem a little further




Is added to the search letters. So as soon as a menue letter is clicked the problem goes away.


This problem only applies when the page is initially opened or when 'Full' is selected




this page works correctly



And this page works correctly



while this page contains products with a status of 0






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The problem was caused by the dork between the keyboard and chair.


User Error - Replace User


That fixed it.


Please accept my apologies for this complete waste of forum space




:blush: :angry: :blush: :angry: :blush:

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We all make mistakes. Sometimes posting helps the thought process. I'm glad you were able to figure it out.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jack

Having the same problem mentioned before on page 1 using the sold out contribution.

When Display Mode is set to false all products show buy now buttons which is ok but none of the buttons adds any items to the cart. Cart remains blank. When Display Mode is set to true all products show a sold out button which is part of the sold out v1.1 contrib even though these products are in stock. I saw on page one that this problem seemed to have been solved with this contribution but I cannot seem to get around this. Had previously tried the other contrib 4.4 all products with images same problem. Any ideas please. usuing v1.1 Feb 2009



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Hi Jack,


Great contrib as usual but I have a small problem with the all_pages.php accessed from categories. Everything looks correct but when I choose products beginning by A, i get a 404 Not Found error because it's looking for page http://mysite/all-products.php-by-A.html which obviously doesn't exist.


Do you have any idea?




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Hi Jack,


Great contrib as usual but I have a small problem with the all_pages.php accessed from categories. Everything looks correct but when I choose products beginning by A, i get a 404 Not Found error because it's looking for page http://mysite/all-products.php-by-A.html which obviously doesn't exist.


Do you have any idea?




That url is coming from Ultimate SEO and is only available in the latest version so it would appear you a mistake was made in the update/install of it. Be sure the following is in your .htaccess file

RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

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That url is coming from Ultimate SEO and is only available in the latest version so it would appear you a mistake was made in the update/install of it. Be sure the following is in your .htaccess file

RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


Thanks. Now it works fine. Next time I'll read instructions better...

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Hi Jack


I am hoping to have your advice on the question I am having now.


First of all, my current version of googlefeeder.php has no option for "condition" required by google. When I'm working on how to add this option, I then notice my current version has the info. on the top of googlefeeder.php mentioning that "Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder 1.0" and "Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d ". Furthermore, I then compare your contributions,GoogleFeeder_V_2.3 to mine. I understand there are quiet different.


I'd like to enable not only adding on "condition" for data feed but also catching up new contributions in relation to data feed automatically to search engines or search engine optimisation. Considering my googlefeeder was changed to work with Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d before ( was not done by me). Therefore, is that alright for me to update both directly "GoogleFeeder_V_2.3" and "Ultimate SEO 2-2.2d-5" from my current version? If so, it's a matter which one should install 1st? your advice will be very useful for a beginner like me. :D Thank you again. organicme



// Title: Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder 1.03

// Author: Calvin K

// Contact: [email protected]

// Organization: Conceptual Networking

// Last Update: 09/24/06


// This feeder has been revised to work with Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2823)


// Change to 'false' to disable the use of SEO





// Modification for SEO

// Since the ultimate SEO was only installed on the public side, we will include our files from there.




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Yes, you should upgrade both. I would do Ultimate SEO first so the feed only has to be created once by you.


Please note that this thread is for the All Products SEO contribution. Questions about other contributions should be asked in their support threads.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Yes, you should upgrade both. I would do Ultimate SEO first so the feed only has to be created once by you.


Please note that this thread is for the All Products SEO contribution. Questions about other contributions should be asked in their support threads.

Oops..did not notice that. my apologise for posting it in the wrong section. :blush: Once again, thank you for your reply and advice. organicme

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Hi Jack,


I have installed many of your contributions and all your SEO contributions save one, I have at the present (All products Updated for Milestone MS 2.2 by Farrukh Saeed)


Would it benefit me to uninstall it and use AllProducts_SEO_v_1.1



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I haven't looked at that contribution in some time so I can't say. It used to have a lot of problem, from an SEO point of view but maybe they have been fixed now. Unless someone that has installed them both answers your question, you would need to do that to see which you prefer.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jack,

thanks for the great contribution! I've got the latest (SEO 1.1) installed, and everything is good except...


i'm also using Show Sold Out (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4884), and all my products appear to be sold on all-products.php


have a look here...




any idea what to change?


within the directions to the Sold Out button, many of the $listing_sql commands are changed in the index.php, could that be something?


i've seen a few others have had the same issue with Sold Out and all-products.php, but i haven't been able to find any solution to it.


thanks for any help you can give.

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I'm not aware of the problem. In fact, a post on the first page here says it works with that persons contribution. In any event, the code has to be modified to work with such a contribution. I don't have it installed so it isn't something I can test. You might want to ask in its support thread thought.

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i'm trying to workout the compatibility of Sold and all products, if i find one i'll post here.


otherwise, i had originally installed 4.7, then found SEO and installed that. i changed all the files to only include the SEO version, but now I have 2 links in my admin. how do i uninstall the leftover All Products link in my admin?


many thanks.

Edited by freckles
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