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The e-commerce.

Help Required with new install


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I have just downloaded an e commerce set up to my website but have got the following error in red at top of page,( Warning i am able to write to the configuration file:/home/prolites/public-html/shopping/includes/configure.php) can anybody offer assistance in sorting this out.

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the erro says it all. you just need to change the permission to read only, how to do this will depend on your server. ask you host for it if they are helpful.


commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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thanks for that is it something they have to do or can i do it from the control panel of my normal web page


Depends on your web hosting server. For example, your ftp software, (like Filezilla) would allow you to view all your folders and files in the osCommerce directories. If you right click on a folder, choose File Attributes, you can set the Read/Write permissions for that folder that way. Some ftp software program will use the term "Properties" instead of File Attributes, so poke around and you'll find it. Most ftp software programs allow you to do this. Your hosting company will most likely tell you that permissions settings are your responsibility.

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