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Possible Sessions Problem


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This problem is not consistent, only happens about 1 completed order out of 100. The site administrator has gotten at least a dozen emails complaining of the issues below and we do not know how many more are unreported.


Symptom 1- (never duplicated)


Say customer A logs into site, places items in cart, goes through checkout process and all is well.

10 minutes later customer B logs into site places items in cart goes through checkout and after returning from paypal is now logged in as customer A... order is written under customer A's customer id and when paying with their own paypal account, billing address is customer A's but when using credit card billing through paypal express, address is customer B's

Symptom 2 - (not duplicated)


Customer A logs into site, adds or doesn't items in cart, logs off. Customer B then logs onto site, completes order and same issues as above repeat. (after returning from paypal is now logged in as customer A... order is written under customer A's customer id and when paying with paypal, billing address is customer A's but when using credit card billing through paypal, address is customer B's )


Symptom 3- (duplicated)


Customer logs into site, places item (s) in cart begins checkout . From checkout_shipping all is well, checkout_payment, cart total changes adding more items in cart. Visiting the shopping cart and removing these items is successful but happens again when going through the checkout process the second time. This I duplicated (only once) the error by logging into this customer's and when I tried to checkout it added the same items into my cart as it had in the customer's. Customer was using IE 7, I am using Firefox 3.0.


Symptom 4 - (not duplicated)


Customer logs in, the welcome message greets them to wrong name, logs out and in again and sometimes the right name appears, sometime the problem repeats.


Symptom 5 - (not duplicated)


Customer is NOT logged in, misc. items get added to cart (not the same items as symptom 2)



Problem began September 1st. Already checked with web host and nothing was changed, all log files are good, no corrupt tables, etc. No pertinent files were changed by us since the 29th of July.


Changed the sessions to:


Session Directory /usr/home/XYZ/tmp/

Force Cookie Use False

Check SSL Session ID True

Check User Agent False

Check IP Address False

Prevent Spider Sessions True

Recreate Session True


Any insight at all into this would be very helpful... it is one of those issues that causes a site to be unreliable and we have spent so much time on it already, it would be easier to start over but since this site has hundreds (okay, maybe one hundred mods) we do not know where the problem is starting over and reinstalling all the mods from backups may not solve anything but recreate the problem.

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