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Logos in invoices/packing slips


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I want to replace the osC logo that appears on the invoices and packing slips but can't find how to do it in the Documentation or searching the forums. Can someone please point the way for me?


Many thanks,


Nigel Barker.

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I want to replace the osC logo that appears on the invoices and packing slips but can't find how to do it in the Documentation or searching the forums. Can someone please point the way for me?


Many thanks,


Nigel Barker.


Edit this line in both invoice.php and packingslip.php or just rename your logo to store_logo.png and upload it to the image directory.

<td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES . 'store_logo.png', STORE_NAME); ?></td>


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