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QTPro + Options As Images


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Hello, this is my first post here, I hope it is in the right place. I've searched the forums for info on this, but haven't had any luck.


I set up a clothing store that uses the "Options as Images" contribution which allows me to use color swatches for various attributes. It works completely fine.


My client recently asked to also have a way to deal with quantities/inventory.


I tried using the "quantity_mod" contribution, which seemed OK, except that I couldn't come up with a way for it to handle having multiple sizes/colors of a single product style. This problem seems to have come up in several different posts and the overwhelming solution seems to be QTPro.


My question is: Since QTPro currently doesn't support color swatches (which I have to keep), has anyone had any luck or experience installing QTPro in tandem with "Options as Images" or alternatively has anyone figured out a way to incorporate color swatches into QTpro some other way?


Any help steering me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! thanks.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm looking for a very similar thing, im using QTPro 3.2 very simple version and compatible with others contributions, now i'm wanting something that shows the stock, something like this...



White___..| S | M| L | XL |

Yellow___ | S | M| L | XL |


or like this



White_ _|_|_|_|__|

Yellow _|_|_|_|__|

(with butons for select the color and size)

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In version 4.4 its added a table, im trying to include only this addon,


Im using QTPro 3.2 cause newer versions doesn't work with others contributions.


how can I include this on version 3.2 ? I copy this line in product_info


<?php require(DIR_WS_MODULES . "qtpro_stock_table.php");?>


i delete this line in qtpro sock table (cause it were give me an error):

AND popt.products_options_track_stock = '1'


but only i get is the title STOCK_LIST_IN_PI_TEXT_HEADING

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