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The e-commerce.

Problem with permissions


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We have just installed osCommerce on our domain and keep encountering a slight problem...


on: http://www.4girlzshop.co.uk/index.php, the following error message is displayed on the top of the screen in red:


"Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /kunden/homepages/41/d231682781/htdocs/4girlzshop/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


I have changed the permissions in includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php both to 644 - but nothing really seems to make an effect.


When installing the osCommerce we did not actually change any of the permissions, so we are wondering that maybe we should delete all the files on our domain, upload the installation files again, and start changing the permissions before the installation takes place. Would this make a difference and would this effect my database and account if I was to do this?


Many thanks

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i've got the same problem (1savilerow.com)

The system has been fully installed on ONE.COM (web hosting service)


When i try to change the permissions on the catalog/includes/configure.php it simply ignores the change.


I think ive tried every possible way but no Joy. Ive read the install thread but doesnt address the problem.


It may be something to do with the server which will need the "web hoster" to change ?

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Like the lady said, the answer to this problem has already been posted (multiple times in multiple places).


You should try permissions in this order until the warning disappears:








And most of the time FTP fails. Most people have to login to their hosting account and use the Cpanel to change permissions successfully.


Be aware that permissions less than 644 make the file "read only", and you'll have to change back to 644 before attempting any edits in the future.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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not as easy as that.


The host site experts told me to change the configuration table in phpmyadmin and in the configuration_id 137 entry change the value from "/tmp" to just "tmp"

They said thjat would fix the problem

it didnt


Then then said reload everything as the configure.php file must be corrupt.


i dont want to do that as ive made loads of changes based on contributions


so i'm in a pickle !!

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The experts at your hosts are wrong, follow Germ/bills advice.


Sometimes ftp clients are not able to change permissions and you must change them via your host's control panel.



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Have you heard the "phonetic definition" of expert?



expert - pronounced "ex-spurt"


"ex": as in "has been"


"spurt": a drip under pressure.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

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Started again and reloaded everything from scratch. Followed all of the Vger instructions TO THE LETTER


Same error message "I am able to write to the configuration file: /customers/1savilerow.com/1savilerow.com/httpd.www/includes/configure.php"


Tried to use FTP to change permissions but no luck


Hosts CPANEL does not have a "change permissions on a file" function.


So - Cant move forward until i fix this little niggle.


(is it possible to create a new file called say config.php (as an example) then copy the contents from includes/configure.php into config.php

Then delete configure.php

then rename config.php to configure.php


Sorry but i dont know much about this new fangled stuff - try me on COBOL or MAPPER.

THanks for your help

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