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Manufacturer list - Change order


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I have 2 questions:


1. How do you change the order of the manufacturer list? At the moment it is alphabetical and i want to sort into another order.


2. When you click on a manufacturer and bring up the list of products in the main page there is a drop down box named show: (center top). The first in the list is "All Categories". Where can i find this wording to change the word Categories?


Thank you in advance for your help :)



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1. You can change the order by altering the query on top in the includes/boxes/manufacturers.php file.

2. Text is located in includes/languages/yourlanguage/index.php





Thanks for the response.


1. I have found the section that needs altering in manufacturers.php......" order by manufacturers_name" but how do i change this so that i can put them in my own manual order?


2. Thank you, sorted with number 2 query.



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1. You would have to modify the manufacturers table and add a new ordering field, in the admin you would have to make a possibility to add/edit the ordering number to the manufacturer and finally in the includes/boxes/manufacturers.php you would have to alter the top query to sort by your new ordering field.

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