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Reports - Products Purchased Question


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I am a new website maintainer for a movie theatre and we use this shopping cart. The owner says that he was checking the reports section and a newly posted movie with little advertising is coming up with the same "presales" number under "Reports" -> "Products Purchased" as the previous showing of that same movie.


Now, I was asking the previous webmistress about this and she just says that if that reports section says 78 sales, that we should believe that number, but here's the problem. She taught me to use the cart by clicking on any previous ticket posted, then using the "copy to" feature and post it to the new folder, so the owner is wondering if somehow the previous show's presales that were at 78 were copied as well. It might sound unlikely, but not that many people buy tickets online for this small theatre.


I've looked at the customers area, but it just shows everyone alphabetically who has ever registered and that is over 5 or 6 pages of people. I looked through a few, but then realized that it would take forever to look through them all. There has to be an easier way. Please help! Why is it so hard to determine (and verify) how many people bought tickets to each feature?


I searched for help for over 30 minutes on this forum until I finally decided to register and post this question. I really do need to get to the bottom of this ASAP.

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