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adds tax when not logged in but not when logged in


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I am not so familiar with oscommerce code and i have a v1.15 issue to fix.


The issue is, when you are not logged in, it shows the amount including tax which is correct but when the user logs in, the amount is displayed without tax.


Can anyone help me how to fix that so that amount shows including tax in both conditions.


Thanks in advance.

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I am not so familiar with oscommerce code and i have a v1.15 issue to fix.


The issue is, when you are not logged in, it shows the amount including tax which is correct but when the user logs in, the amount is displayed without tax.


Can anyone help me how to fix that so that amount shows including tax in both conditions.


Thanks in advance.


It sounds like you have an error in your setup for the tax locations/zones. (Admin Panel) For each zone that you need to collect taxes on you'll need to identify a zone, then a class, then a tax rate. For instance, in Virginia we have a different tax rate for food and non-food items. So, I have a zone: Virginia, 2 tax classes: food, and non-food, 2 tax rates: 5% and 2.5%. Then on the product item you had to determine which class the item belonged in. That way, when the user enters their address the zone is looked up, cross-matched with the class and the appropriate tax rate is used.


Except for a few states, most internet resellers only have to collect sales tax on items shipped within their own tax zone.


When the customer isn't logged in, it probably defaults to the address that the store is in.

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It sounds like you have an error in your setup for the tax locations/zones. (Admin Panel) For each zone that you need to collect taxes on you'll need to identify a zone, then a class, then a tax rate. For instance, in Virginia we have a different tax rate for food and non-food items. So, I have a zone: Virginia, 2 tax classes: food, and non-food, 2 tax rates: 5% and 2.5%. Then on the product item you had to determine which class the item belonged in. That way, when the user enters their address the zone is looked up, cross-matched with the class and the appropriate tax rate is used.


Except for a few states, most internet resellers only have to collect sales tax on items shipped within their own tax zone.


When the customer isn't logged in, it probably defaults to the address that the store is in.


Hi Valerie,


Thank you very much. That was really tax zone setup error.

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