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The e-commerce.

Help I'm so in over my head


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Hopefully someone here can help me and dumb this whole thing down for me. I'm so frustrated and lost that attempting to search the forums and database was not successful.


I used to think I was fairly good with computers until tonight when I realized I don't know ANYTHING. I'm trying to get this oscommerce thing going, but the problem is, when I go to install, the webserver root directory for mysql (which I did set up) doesn't work. The default is D:/Hosting/3075575/html/catalog// but when I get to the end of the installation, I get this:


Warning: fopen(D:/Hosting/3075575/html/catalog//includes/configure.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 116


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 117


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 118


Warning: fopen(D:/Hosting/3075575/html/catalog//admin/includes/configure.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 152


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 153


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:\Hosting\3075575\html\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_4.php on line 154


The installation and configuration was successful!


What is that?? How do I find out what the real root directory is or how to fix it?


Also, for some reason I can't make the permissions 777 for the configure.php files, in my ftp it just doesn't let me select anything and on my hosting site the option isn't available to change permissions unless it's a directory (I'm with godaddy, I know, they suck, but let's just work with what I have for now). Is this lack of permissions causing my database problems? Is there a way to fix it? I'm completely over my head but I need to make this work. Please help me and simplify it, the technical jargon here on this site is so overwhelming now that I've been staring at it for 5 hours.

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