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Next modification - checkout process


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Since there has been lots of mention how customers can get scared away from purchasing do to creating an account and the checkout process is too long, I'm looking for a fix.


I have looked at - fast easy checkout but there are tons of versions and it's support thread seems to be swamped with bugs and glitches.


I'm not sure if - Faster Checkout is sufficient enough.


Guest Account v 2.0 doesn't sound like it combines the checkout process pages, only removes the need to create an account.


I'm not really sure about this one either - No account. Seems like it is still a work in progress and I don't know if it's ready for prime time live use?? Plus it doesn't seem to combine steps through the checkout process.


Can any experienced osC experts recommend anything for combining pages through the checkout process and no need for an account?

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -

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The best and non-intrusive one is faster checkout.


This can in turn be combined with skipping the shipping page if you only offer 1 shipping option.


This can in turn be combined with skipping the payment page if you only offer 1 payment option.


Info on skipping payment/shipping pages can be found here...

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The best and non-intrusive one is faster checkout.


This can in turn be combined with skipping the shipping page if you only offer 1 shipping option.


This can in turn be combined with skipping the payment page if you only offer 1 payment option.


Info on skipping payment/shipping pages can be found here...


Thank you Nick for the advice.


If you don't mind, I have some questions. :blush:


With Faster Checkout, are the customers aware of and actually creating an account?

Or is it designed to be behind the scenes and looks like the info gathered is for shipping?

That's one of the features that sounded interesting with "No Account". The customer didn't need an email addy plus password to check on order histories, get newsletters, etc...


Let me see if I got this right using your suggestion.


Customer clicks "checkout", they get directed to create_account.php, then they go to checkout_shipping.php to pick from USPS options (Parcel, Priority, Express), then they skip the checkout_payment.php since I only offer PayPal IPN, and they go to the checkout_confirmation.php which from there they head off to PayPal.


Is that about correct?

What happens to checkout_shipping_address.php in case they want to send the purchase as a gift to a friend or relative?


Sorry for more questions. I just want to make sure I get it right.

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -

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Faster checkout does not hide anything..


it combines the login and create account page into 1 page


and skips the create account success page and goes straight to checkout shipping page


Thereby making the checkout process 2 steps shorter...



If you only offer 1 payment metode as suggested then it would go like this...


customer clicks checkout...


goes to


1. combined create account / login page


then on to


2. checkout shipping


then onto


3. checkout confirmation



So you get a simple 3 step checkout..... (ie you have reduced the original checkout by 3 steps)




if they need to change any address that option is also presented on the checkout confirmation page....

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Thank you again Nick. ;)


Would you recommend that I also incorporate a contribution for, what's it called - quest or no account needed?

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -

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Thank you again Nick. ;)


Would you recommend that I also incorporate a contribution for, what's it called - quest or no account needed?


Not really....


If you want to make the create account feature less obvious...i would suggest you change the heading on the create account page to order shipping info or something like that....



You can also take it a step further and remove the password fileds and let the password be created automatically and emailed to the customer in the welcome email.....



There is an old but rather interesting forum tread which is worth a read on the subject...

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Thank you so much Nick for taking the time to help me and sharing your words of wisdom.


I truely appreciate it! :D

- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -

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