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Cool Flash Carousel Menu


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Common reasons for this error are:


* Incorrect file/directory permissions: Above 755.


In order files to be processed by the webserver, their permissions have to be equal or below 755. You can update file permissions with a FTP client or through cPanel's File Manager.

* Incorrect Apache directives inside .htaccess file.


Make sure you have not specified unsupported directives inside the local .htaccess file. Such include PHP settings and Apache module settings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks,


I have a strange problem with this cool contribution. It runs perfectly, but only if i access the store like www.mydomain.com

If i type the mydomain.com without the www in adress bar, the store itself loads correctly, but the carousel stays blank.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you manage to find a fix for this? I have exactly the same problem, like a million "undefined" errors when the carousel is set to appear and NOT resize (with the include commented out)




installed this contribution, have an issue with the resize class.


basically it doesn't work, when resize is switched on/off, get this error:- Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/simplydr/public_html/w4/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 1173


when I comment out the //require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'flash_carousel_image_resize.php'); in includes/modules/flash_carousel and resize is set to true I get error:-

Fatal error: Class 'imageTransform' not found in /home/simplydr/public_html/w4/inget this error includes/modules/flash_carousel.php on line 84


When I comment out and I have the resize set to true I get Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/simplydr/public_html/w4/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 1173


If I comment out the line and have the resize switched to false the carousel displays normally.


the error looks a lot worse though, as the sites info boxes dont work and pretty mucfh everything else doesnt either, same applies for STS mode.


The site is very heavily modified, but as the one file seems to destroy the entire site I suspect the problem may not be with all the other modules.


Hope someone can shed some light on this great module, I also saw a post earlier which was about more advanced features such as images in teh middle and as a background, example of it on the site was given as http://www.dees-fancydress.co.uk/catalog/ I tried to look at the zip file, but I suspect that the link was no longer active as the download was empty.


Would like to know where I can find the information to get those advanced features to work.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,


I have a strange problem with this cool contribution. It runs perfectly, but only if i access the store like www.mydomain.com

If i type the mydomain.com without the www in adress bar, the store itself loads correctly, but the carousel stays blank.

Does anyone have a solution for this?




Looks to be a flash security Sandbox issue. Somewhere you specified www.mydomain.com where it should have been a relative path, so flash doesn't recognize that it is the same server.

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I have Cool Flash Carousel Menu and Featured products installed but i have this error


Notice: Undefined variable: new_products_category_id in C:\xampp\htdocs\catalog\includes\modules\featured.php on line 20


How can I solve this?




EDIT: A solved. I change $new_products_category_id in line 20 for (isset($new_products_category_id))?$new_products_category_id:'0';

Edited by hostxxi
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Hi i am having a problem with the images of the flash carousel i am using oscoomerce rc2a. What i am trying to do is i have put large pictures on them but the bottoms of the pictures were not displaying fully so i increased the size of the flash carousel in the cofig file now i can see all the pictures but i now have too much white space above is there some way of getting the images to allign up the top so then i can reduce the flash carousel size down or has anyone any ideas how to solve this?

I could only ever afford cars under £500 but now i am moving up in the world.

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How can I change the text color of the text on the carousel?

I tried to change it in


but it still stays black, and I need it white


The problem is here:



Help appreciated.

OSC beginner

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  • 2 weeks later...

EDIT: A solved. I change $new_products_category_id in line 20 for (isset($new_products_category_id))?$new_products_category_id:'0';


nice, i was looking for that one, thanks hostxxi!


Another little error popping up on mine:


Notice: Constant 95 already defined in d:\domains\catalog\includes\functions\html_output.php on line 767


Line 767 of html_output.php is:


define(JPEGQUALITY, 95);




But like someone else pointed out, you can disable all Flash Carousel error messages by commenting out this line in includes/classes/flash_carousel_image_resize.php:


// error_reporting(E_ALL);

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i m new user. i had install this add on download 9 april 09

but, why its not works? just give blank area, no images? oh, i test it on my localhost before intall on my online shop.


any one can help me?

Edited by exca
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i m new user. i had install this add on download 9 april 09

but, why its not works? just give blank area, no images? oh, i test it on my localhost before intall on my online shop.


any one can help me?


solve. sory i miss setting on my catalog :)

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heloo, now i very need help you guys.

cases :

i had install flash on my web


i try on localhost

1. pure osc v2 rc2

2. modified osc v2 rc2


on case 1, flash worh perfect..i look at kampanya folderm there had image rezise

but on case 2. on my index, there wrong dispaly, image not have specifik size, some big some small, and when i look at kampanya folder, there no picture.

thi sxml for case 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
	<product image="../images/Animal sound puzzle.jpg" Productname="animal sound puzzle" Price="Rp242.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=71&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/4 season saver.JPG" Productname="4 Season Saver" Price="Rp125.800" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=126&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Buku Kain mengenal gerak gerik Binatang.jpg" Productname="Buku Kain: Mengenal Gerak-Geri.." Price="Rp44.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=55&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Naga diseberang pulau.jpg" Productname="Buku Perananku : Naga di seber.." Price="Rp33.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=78&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/animal shaped Swin ring.jpg" Productname="Animal" Price="Rp25.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=70&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Doaku Hari Ini.jpg" Productname="Buku Perananku Cerita Anak Mus.." Price="Rp33.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=42&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />

and there cut of dispaly

u can see at http://warung.exalumni.com


an dif i use style 3, there work perfect but with too small picture


anyone can help, i already cmod kampanya folder for 777

Edited by exca
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heloo, now i very need help you guys.

cases :

i had install flash on my web


i try on localhost

1. pure osc v2 rc2

2. modified osc v2 rc2


on case 1, flash worh perfect..i look at kampanya folderm there had image rezise

but on case 2. on my index, there wrong dispaly, image not have specifik size, some big some small, and when i look at kampanya folder, there no picture.

thi sxml for case 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
	<product image="../images/Animal sound puzzle.jpg" Productname="animal sound puzzle" Price="Rp242.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=71&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/4 season saver.JPG" Productname="4 Season Saver" Price="Rp125.800" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=126&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Buku Kain mengenal gerak gerik Binatang.jpg" Productname="Buku Kain: Mengenal Gerak-Geri.." Price="Rp44.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=55&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Naga diseberang pulau.jpg" Productname="Buku Perananku : Naga di seber.." Price="Rp33.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=78&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/animal shaped Swin ring.jpg" Productname="Animal" Price="Rp25.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=70&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />
	<product image="../images/Doaku Hari Ini.jpg" Productname="Buku Perananku Cerita Anak Mus.." Price="Rp33.000" url="http://localhost/toko/product_info.php?products_id=42&osCsid=60176f5169507c9785412ca2b6049009" />

and there cut of dispaly

u can see at http://warung.exalumni.com


an dif i use style 3, there work perfect but with too small picture


anyone can help, i already cmod kampanya folder for 777

this my screenshoot

there same cutting area on right and buttom side and picture to big



i think this becouse crash with my theme but i dont know how to fix, becouse if i use style 3 its fine


Edited by exca
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this my screenshoot

there same cutting area on right and buttom side and picture to big



i think this becouse crash with my theme but i dont know how to fix, becouse if i use style 3 its fine


sory the problem has been solve.

just need to setting image resize for "true"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Just installed flas carousel works a treat execpt under the carousel is an error which was not there before and dissapears if i turn the carousel off :


Notice: Undefined variable: new_products_category_id in

/home/******/public_html/includes/modules/featured.php on line 19.

Any ideas how to solve this


many thanks andy

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Hi Just installed flas carousel works a treat execpt under the carousel is an error which was not there before and dissapears if i turn the carousel off :


Notice: Undefined variable: new_products_category_id in

/home/******/public_html/includes/modules/featured.php on line 19.

Any ideas how to solve this


many thanks andy


sorted this. BUT ..


I need to edit the .fla file i have got flash 8 pro but i am guessing the source file is from cs3 and i cant open it. Could anyone with cs3 convert this file down for me so i can edit it?



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  • 3 weeks later...


i m new user. i had install this add on download 9 april 09

but, why its not works? just give blank area, no images? oh, i test it on my localhost before intall on my online shop.


any one can help me?


i'm having same issue and result blank area and no images, can someone help me get this to work?

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i'm having same issue and result blank area and no images, can someone help me get this to work?

problem solved, i forgot to add new items in Flash Carousel from admin-> catalog


To author

is there anyway i can add Manufacturers to the Flash Carousel???

can i change the product list to Manufacturer list?



Edited by SPPBOY
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Hello, same problem here. I changed the width from 100 to 200 in flash_carousel.php and the transparancy mirror doesn't increases to 200.



Does anyone knows how to remove the transparency mirror images down to the product????


They appear croped because I increased the size of the original ones.

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