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Cool Flash Carousel Menu


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You can follow instruction to install addon at http://www.oscommercex.com


At install page Step 14 is installing new table about carousel. Read this instruction.



yes brother, we followed your instructions step by step, we have installed many modules to date..

We run and droped youe tables several times in db.. maby we have conflict with other courocel

module we installed last month. maby something else,,,,


Thank you for the reply,, hopefully we will find this bug we have soon.



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Hi Chriss,

I will put the flash sources (fla files) to http://www.oscommercex.com


And if you send me the fix about you made with the problem you face I will be hapy.


Thank you.


Hi, I went back through the installation steps this morning and everything is in place correctly though I am still not able to click on a image in the carousel, dosent do anything, but does on the other oscommerce sites? I also tried the new 3.01 version.


However I did fix the whitespace xml parsing errors:


Open catalog/includes/modules/flash_carousel.php and find:


	  $pref = 'kampanya_';
	  $file = DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES .$flash_carousel_products['products_image'];
	  $flash_carousel_products['products_image'] = str_replace('/','_',$flash_carousel_products['products_image']);
	  $newfile = DIR_FS_CATALOG . $directory .$pref .$flash_carousel_products['products_image'];


ADD Before:

//find replace bad xml characters and replace...
$find = array("'", "\"", " ", "/", "-", "&", "<", ">", "\'");
$replace = array("", """, " ", " ", " ", "&", "<", ">", "'");
 //price string replacements
$find_2 = array("<br>", "nbsp;", "'", "\"", " ", "/", "-", "&", "<", ">", "\'");
$replace_2 = array("				  ", " ", "", """, " ", " ", " ", "&", "<", ">", "'");
//image whitespace in names replacement
$find_3 = array(" ");
$replace_3 = array("%20");


Finally find:

$xmlfile .= "\t\t" . '<product image="'.$kampanya_image.'" Productname="'.$flash_carousel_products['products_name'].'" Price="'.$products_price.'" url="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $flash_carousel_products['products_id']). '" />'."\n";


Replace with:

 //$xmlfile .= "\t\t" . '<product image="'.$kampanya_image.'" Productname="'.$flash_carousel_products['products_name'].'" Price="'.$products_price.'" url="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $flash_carousel_products['products_id']). '" />'."\n";
   $xmlfile .= "\t\t" . '<product image="'.str_replace($find_3, $replace_3, $kampanya_image).'" Productname="'.str_replace($find, $replace, $flash_carousel_products['products_name']).'" Price="'.str_replace($find_2, $replace_2, $products_price).'" url="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $flash_carousel_products['products_id']). '" />'."\n";




That should get rid of any whitespace / bad character problems when parsing the XML file....


Kind regards

Chris H

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Thanks your fix. I will apply this patch the next release. By the way can you test http://www.oscommercex.com/demo ?

Is everything ok?


Hi, your demo looks fine to me, all the links work, Im not sure what my problem is as I said it works on one site and not the other, the links dont work.


In the above code, incase anyone was wondering, It would cause no harm leaving this in, but I added this to prevent br and & tags etc from xml validation errors if you use the including and excluding VAT mod, but you could probably remove the:


  //price string replacements
$find_2 = array("<br>", "nbsp;", "'", "\"", " ", "/", "-", "&", "<", ">", "\'");
$replace_2 = array("				  ", " ", "", """, " ", " ", " ", "&", "<", ">", "'");


and remove the corresponding str_replace($find_2, replace_2, ...........) so it looks like this:


$xmlfile .= "\t\t" . '<product image="'.str_replace($find_3, $replace_3, $kampanya_image).'" Productname="'.str_replace($find, $replace, $flash_carousel_products['products_name']).'" Price="'.$products_price.'" url="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $flash_carousel_products['products_id']). '" />'."\n";



But eitherway it would still be OK..

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I found out more about the bug!


This works:




This does not: Try to click on a image to goto the product info!




This is what I am experiencing on one site... In IE & Firefox , if I goto: http://www.mydomain.com it works perfect, but If I goto: http://mydomain.com then it displays in IE but the links do not work and in firefox all you get is a white box...


I hope this helps!




PS: Heres a workaround to the problem until it gets solved, This works on my other sites working off the same set of files, dosent matter whether you use www. or not, You can permanently fix it by using this addon (but for apache only), this addon allows you to use multiple domain names if you chose to, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5850

Edited by chrish123
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I found another small bug introduced in v3.01, theres now a error when viewing in IE (bottom left) near the text "Done"


Line: 6
Char: 1913
Error: 'J.ParentNode' is null or not a object
Code: 0
URL: http://www.mydomain.com


J.ParentNode is in the kampanya/swfobject.js .....


I think with these bugs cleared up + the flash source file included it will be very perfect!

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I found out more about the bug!


This works:




This does not: Try to click on a image to goto the product info!




This is what I am experiencing on one site... In IE & Firefox , if I goto: http://www.mydomain.com it works perfect, but If I goto: http://mydomain.com then it displays in IE but the links do not work and in firefox all you get is a white box...


I have the same problem but the previous version of CFC. In my case is the other way around:

- In IE I get the flash movie with both URLs http://www.domain.com or http://domain.com

- If I use https or www.domain.com then the link doesn't work anymore

- In Firefox www.domain.com or https (with or without www) do not work (white box)

- In Firefox http://domain.com the link works as well


I will upgrade to the latest version soon and hopefully this will go away but just in case somebody is looking at the code and the bug needs to be fixed be aware that this behaviour exists in the previous version as explained above.



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Can you check below address about J.ParentNode error?





Hi, Just checked this morning, there is a duplicate, the :


<script type="text/javascript" src="kampanya/swfobject.js"></script> 
<style type="text/css" media="screen"> 
object { outline:none; } 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
swfobject.registerObject("flash_carousel", "9.0.0", "kampanya/expressInstall.swf") 

before the </head> in index.php is not needed as this is already declared at the end of catalog/includes/modules/flash_carousel.php


	<style type="text/css" media="screen">
					body { margin:0; text-align:center; }
					div#flash_carousel_container { text-align:center; }
					object#flash_carousel { display:block; margin:0 auto; }

	<script type="text/javascript" src="kampanya/swfobject.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var flashvars = {};
		var params = {};
		params.menu = "false";
		params.wmode = "transparent";
		params.bgcolor = "<?php echo FLASH_CAROUSEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR;?>";
		params.devicefont = "true";
		var attributes = {};
		attributes.id = "flash_carousel";
		attributes.align = "middle";
		swfobject.embedSWF("<?php echo flash_carousel_file('1');?>", "flash_carousel", "<?php echo $style['width'];?>", "<?php echo $style['height'];?>", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
<div id="flash_carousel_container">		
<div id="flash_carousel">
	<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">
		<img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />
<!-- flash_carousel_products_eof //-->



Now I dont get an error, but I still have got the "www. or no www." link/display bug though!



PS: On your site it says you have to be logged in to download the source file, but you have some htaccess password protection turned on, then you see the logon/register link but it just loops back and forth making it impossible to download it or register.

Edited by chrish123
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I have the same problem with undefined URL


QUOTE (hayworth @ Oct 10 2008, 12:05 AM) *

Thank you very much Emmetje!!


The flash works, the .xml works, but the URL when I click in the image it's undefined.

How can I define this URL?


Example: http://www.hayworth.es/allprods.php







Somehowe I managed to stuff up the link again blush.gif

Use this in rotator.php



$xmlfile .= "\t\t" . '<product filename="'.$new_image.'" productname="'.$specials['products_name'].'" productprice="'.$kampanya->display_price($specials['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($specials['products_tax_class_id'])).'" url="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $specials['products_id']). '" />'."\n";





Can you tell me exactly at what rotator.php should I post this code? (which is situated in includes/modules/rotator.php or in admin/rotator.php) .And can you tell me in what line it is preferable to put it.


I've tried to adjust this code to both files, but failed.Above the carousel I see this part of code:

$xmlfile .= "\t\t" . ''."\n"; } $xmlfile.="\n";


And when I click on the product, the page is still undefined.


Thanks, will be waiting for your assist.



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While upgrading 3.0.1 from 3.0 you need to follow upgrading instructions at http://www.oscommercex.com/?page_id=51#upgrade


Now you can register to download.


And known problem about www or without www, I will release new fix.


Hi, I had already made a workaround for the www. or no www. by converting my domainname into a variable, I will be interested in the proper method though! oh and thanks but I successfully registered at your site but your htaccess protection is still preventing me from downloading with the username password I was emailed.. I login with the username + pass , htaccess password box comes up.... try with username and pass, try without any, but still the same outcome. Strange as the passoword emailed contained %e as the last characters


EDIT: Nevermind I went back to the main page and it let me download. thanks!!


Kind regards


Edited by chrish123
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Hello, first sorry, my english is so bad...

I've installed Carrousel contrib. 3.1 and i have a strange problem...All works well in firefox but in Explorer doesn't display the carrousell...anyone can help me with that?

Thx in advance

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I just installed ver3.0.1 and managed to mess up my site.

The index page does not show anything other that the cell where the logo is (header + the 1st table and td).


I've gone through the files I modified but i can't really see anything that is not right (maybe it is right there but I am too tired to see it).


Anyway, that's all I'm getting.


Stupid question though:

Does the new version have a dependency on the older versions or is it a new build from the ground up?

Do I have to uninstall the older one 2.0d?





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well i think it's a problem with the sts template system.

i can't insert the include line in the index.php.html or sts_template.php.html files. when i include the line into the /catalog/index.php it works fine!

Maybe you could help me to integrate that script into the sts system.


Thanks Alex

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When you are running in safe_mode "On"


you'll get some error messages due set_timelimit in the flash_carousel_image_resize.php



in catalog/includes/classes/flash_carousel_image_resize.php





And replace with:



now it'll work also with safe_mode "on"

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Ok I am running V2.0 and I have it working fine with a couple of excpetions


1. In conjunction with the Cool Menu if the background is not transparent then the cool menu subcategories are hidden behind the flash carousel


2. With a black background black text disappears.


3. I also had the problem with the reflection in the picture if I increased the size of the thumbnail (settled for the smaller size for now)


Now I see that V3.01 is out and looks like most of the bugs are being worked out but what all is updated in the new version is kind of vague.


Can you please tell us specifically what has been changed in the new version? Can I change the text color now?


If so I will go through the process of upgrading.



The Site can be viewed at www.performanceautopartsonline.com


The site is live (despite these minor glitches) please respect that and do not sign up etc...


maybe a contribution one day when I get this site the way I want it.


I don't make spelling mistakes! I have dyslecsic fingers.

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You need to uninstall 2.0d and install osCommerce Flash Carousel 3.0.1


Thanks for your reply. I've unistalled 2.0d and now my site is fine but if I make the changes in index.php the Featured Products (that is the Featured Products contribution) and the right column are not shown.


Any idea where I should insert the code so it works with Featured Products?





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