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Cool Flash Carousel Menu


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Did you run the sql statement?





Table exists, just as the "rotator" file does. I checked. I followed the installation instructions. When I imported the sql, there was a warning message that the new table was empty or some such, other than that, everything went off without a hitch. And that wasn't a red error, just a yellow warning.


best regards,



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Table exists, just as the "rotator" file does. I checked. I followed the installation instructions. When I imported the sql, there was a warning message that the new table was empty or some such, other than that, everything went off without a hitch. And that wasn't a red error, just a yellow warning.


best regards,




Check the includes/database_tables.php make sure the changes are anywhere before the last ?>

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Thanks for this contribution - looks great.


I was having the same problem as others where the reflection image was a little high and was showing over the product image. I just changed the image height in rotator.php to 75 and it looked perfect.

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I have just problem.


After Install the Flash Area is visible but without images.

Products are activated.


Need Help.





Can you post a link or send one by pm?

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I just instaled this contribution, it's really cool and is working fine.


I just have a question:


it will be perfect if instead special the caroussel shows the manufacturers logos (no prices) and the link goes to their website. Is it possible? Could someone give me the code changes i have to make?


Thank you.

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Hi guys, I have a problem myself, all works fine but the carousel shows different number of products each refresh, when i first visit the site it shows ie: 2 products, I reload page it show 12, reload again shows 4 etc...what can i do? i need it to show a fixed numeber of products.

PS: I am using default files no modifications are made to any file.

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Hi guys, I have a problem myself, all works fine but the carousel shows different number of products each refresh, when i first visit the site it shows ie: 2 products, I reload page it show 12, reload again shows 4 etc...what can i do? i need it to show a fixed numeber of products.

PS: I am using default files no modifications are made to any file.


I think there is a product with a special character which is messing things up. How many products did you assign to it?

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I dont think this is the problem, i have products name with ()/".- etc

PS: without any modification not it stopped showing any products

LE: In IE7 it shows fine but links don't work, and like i said before in firefox the products don't appear at all

Edited by katalin
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Come on man help me please, i really need this addon!


I'll try to help you but I've also a job to do. If you would like to be ready to go within 2 1/2 hours I've to send you a bill as well ;) Otherwise you could try to be a little more patient.


So, back to your problem, can you post a link, or send me one by pm.

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Hello I had the same problem as katalin, for me it worked to remove some of the products with special characters seems like " and & where messing with the program, while ' - and # work with out a problem (on mozilla havent checked IE)


it would be nice if special characters could be allowed, cause a lot of you products include ampersands and quotation marks.


but can't complain this is a great mod, it really livened op my shop!!

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Hello I had the same problem as katalin, for me it worked to remove some of the products with special characters seems like " and & where messing with the program, while ' - and # work with out a problem (on mozilla havent checked IE)


it would be nice if special characters could be allowed, cause a lot of you products include ampersands and quotation marks.


but can't complain this is a great mod, it really livened op my shop!!

i try to open old version kampanya.fla delet line System.useCodepage = true;

and in rotator.php set $image_need_resize = 0; all the items show...(if set 1 all pics blank :blink: )????


i can't open v2.0d kampanya.fla ...this file is bad...

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I'll try to help you but I've also a job to do. If you would like to be ready to go within 2 1/2 hours I've to send you a bill as well ;) Otherwise you could try to be a little more patient.


So, back to your problem, can you post a link, or send me one by pm.

Here is my problem now:

In Firefox when I load index.php the rotator won't appear, in order to appear I have to click on the logo(index.php?osCsid=s09btntesjb4nka2c970u2gjd4) like this appears and works perfectly fine

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Hello Sam, I don't know if this contribution is yours, however, congratulations and also for your helps.



3) IMPORTANT: Putting 130 and 115 in kamapnya.php, images sizes are Ok, but not the shadow of these images, they measure the middle. How can I fix it?


Dear All,


This is still working fine for me, but i do have this same issue with the shadow on my images. I read through the posts and cant find this covered. Is there a solution for this small issue?


Great work,



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Dear Sam,


I have just noticed one other small issue. If I open my site with http://www.ladiesoflove.co.uk the carousel doesn't display, but if i type http://ladiesoflove.co.uk then it does display ?!?!?


Do you have any ideas as to what could cause this difference in having or not having the WWW ?



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Dear Sam,


I have just noticed one other small issue. If I open my site with http://www.ladiesoflove.co.uk the carousel doesn't display, but if i type http://ladiesoflove.co.uk then it does display ?!?!?


Do you have any ideas as to what could cause this difference in having or not having the WWW ?



I have that issue two but if i open http://www.site.com it shows, and if I open http://site.com it won't show

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Dear Sam,


I have just noticed one other small issue. If I open my site with http://www.ladiesoflove.co.uk the carousel doesn't display, but if i type http://ladiesoflove.co.uk then it does display ?!?!?


Do you have any ideas as to what could cause this difference in having or not having the WWW ?



Here is a fix: in .htaccess add:

RewriteEngine On
Options -Indexes
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^\.htaccess$ - [F]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.site\.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://site.com/$1 [R=301,L]

This will transform urls from http://www.site.com/page.php to http://site.com/page.php

Hope this helps you!

Edited by katalin
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Hello from Switzerland!


Iin front two things:

- sorry for me bad english - I can speaking, but don´t how the words are writable...

- absolut great thread and of course great contri!


I had it installed in 5 min, but for running I need 5 hours :-) (I also read the full thread in this time!)

Because I installed in front the Contri "Tax Info 1.6" - Carousel don´t like it realy ;-) Bevor I give up, I find out this problem and voila, it is absolut great.

I have only tree little questions about this:


- How I can change the look of the Text by mouse over? ...so the style, the bold, the size...

- and when I start the shop, on the first time (bevor I go with the mouse over the "carousel-box"), the items are realy slowly...can I change this right by the show up (first load of site) be a little bit faster?

- is it possibility to change the place between the image and the shadow - so that there will be an bigger place and not image near schadow?


Thanks in front and best regards,


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