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Help with unique look per category, or something similar


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Hello everyone,


This is my first post on this forum. Here goes!


With all the help on this forum I am on my way to creating a decent looking website. Lately, I've been wondering if there is any way to add unique/static content to your pages?

What I have in mind is something like this...


User accesses your main page and is greeted with pictures/banners of specials and other low price items. Clicking on these items takes you to the category the item belongs to.

Similarly, when the user clicks on a category, the resulting page displays special or low priced items in that category.


I understand that this functionality is very similar to the "What's New?" box. However, I want something a little more flexible.... basically just a box which shows images that I select for particular categories and the homepage.


Sorry, if this topic has already been posted. I couldn't find it by searching.

Thanks a lot for any help!

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Albeit not very "elegant", but functional, you might find some ideas here:


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