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The e-commerce.

photo can not upload to symmetry location, anyone can help me with that?


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If list new product from Administration, the product photo will be uploaded to the location ===> public_html/osc/images


I want these photoes can upload to their category file,


so I created a file "test" in the Cpanel location ===> public_html/osc/images/test, and the new product is "test1"

and created file in symmetry location in my computer ===> C: osc/images/test,



I already tried upload the photo "test1" after listed item from: C:osc\images\test/test1 or C:images\test/test1 or C:public_html\osc\images\test/test1, but the photo also upload to the Cpanel location===>public_html/osc/images, they can't upload to the ===>public_html/osc/images/test



What's wrong? anyone can help me with that? Many thanks!

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