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The e-commerce.

STS folder vs. "Files for RC2" folder


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I am trying to install STS into my catalog folder for the newest version of os.


Now, I have uploaded all the necessary files from the STS folder onto the server. As I read down, I see this paragraph,


"Note: If you have a fresh install of osCommerce 2.2MS2, you can take the files from the "Files for MS2" folder and copy them over your installation. If you have a fresh install of osCommerce Online Merchant 2.2RC1, you can take the files from the "Files for RC1" folder and copy them over your installation. If you have a fresh install of osCommerce Online Merchant 2.2RC2, you can take the files from the "Files for RC2" folder and copy them over your installation. If you have already installed contributions, you can make the changes manually, they are all described in the next chapters. When installation is completed, go to chapter 3 for the configuration."


Please define "fresh install". I would assume this applies to me since I installed it this evening. So, if that is the case, what am I supposed to do with the RC2 folder? I already used the STS. Do I have to use both? What are all these manual changes for?


What are my next steps?


Please help




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