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Product Listing Enhancements, Thumbnails & Manufacturer Headings


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Yes, it is between the products I am referring to. it just seems to be to much white space between each product.


The page is at http://www.kelownaco...php?cPath=30_32

The site is not live and items bought cannot be delivered yet. Not sure if I am supposed to put links in like that?


What are firefoxes tools for?


BTW, I would like to also thank you and all the others for your posts about security. I submitted my site to ncircle for the free PCI scan and it passed first time in!





$list_box_contents[][] = array('align' => 'center',
                                       'params' => 'class="separator" colspan="'.sizeof($column_list).'"',
                                       'text' =>  '<br />'); 



remove the <br />



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Hi Sam


I added Filter Specials by Category to the specials.php. Can i have some help integrating the query so that all the sorts work properly? :)


Need to make this work in the specials.php


$specials_query_raw = "select p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_image, s.specials_new_products_price from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " s, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c where p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p.products_status = '1' and p.products_quantity > 0 and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and s.products_id = p.products_id and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and s.status = '1'";


if($categories_id > 0)

$specials_query_raw .= " and p2c.categories_id in (".tep_get_categories_ids($categories_id).$categories_id.")";


$specials_query_raw .= " order by p2c.categories_id, s.specials_date_added DESC";

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I've just added the mod to My site and have a few issues.


1 If I change Product Listing Headings to False ( to get rid of ugly bit up top) it doesn't display anything int he products list -have to turn back on to show items

2 Display Truncated Description- brings up the stripy box before the huge truncated text, turn it off and the box goes as well. Would like truncated but font is too big and box is an issue - where to edit and cause of striped box?

3 the catagory heading is now a larger font

4 need to remove the boarder around the products

5 need to add boarder to image (like if you click on a product and view it


Ideally all I really require is to display my products as a list with ideally the same format as the individual products when view, just with a truncated description.. is there an easier way or is it going to involve hacking up this mod more??



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The code your using has clearly been modified from the original, I can't tell you how to fix your mods!!


Try using the code as given!


You've added new classes, why?



The doc details how to adjust things with your css



Try using other list modes, like a block one.



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Hey Spooks,

Thanks for this contrib and your help, it's been up and running ever since & it really improves our site.


A question has come up though; it works fine but I'm getting this error written to an error log.


Use of undefined constant tep_get_att_price - assumed 'tep_get_att_price'

On line 153

File includes/modules/product_listing.php


Here's the code;

line 153		if (function_exists(tep_get_att_price)) $price .= (tep_get_att_price($listing['products_id']) > 0 ? '+' : '') ; 

There's actually a fair number of these "if (function_exists(" that are being reported as an error. I'm running PHP 5 and OSC 2.2 MS2

Any thoughts?

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The code your using has clearly been modified from the original, I can't tell you how to fix your mods!!


Try using the code as given!


You've added new classes, why?



The doc details how to adjust things with your css



Try using other list modes, like a block one.


The code IS how its given.. I only installed it yesterday then played with the settings in admin.

Where has extra class been added???

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Their note errors, they are notices, yes I am aware that there are a number, but to avoid the issue without at the same time adding a lot of bloat means the small benifit of dealing them is not worth the cost.


ie tep_get_att_price is not a constant but a function, that only appears if you have other add-ons installed (you will be aware of the compatibility list) so either say add all those add-ons, or add a lot of extra code to ensure the checks for those add-on functions do not cause notices, or just ignore the notices. wink.gif



error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);


will ensure you get no notice or depreciated messages.



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The code IS how its given.. I only installed it yesterday then played with the settings in admin.

Where has extra class been added???



Within the listing you have:


<td width="1" class="bg6"><img src="images/spacer.gif" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>


but niether that class or that image appears anywhere in my code (thats whats makng those lines)


you also have another class bg16, that again is not in my code!!



perhaps you are using someone elses version of my code??

Edited by spooks



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Within the listing you have:


<td width="1" class="bg6"><img src="images/spacer.gif" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>


but niether that class or that image appears anywhere in my code (thats whats makng those lines)


you also have another class bg16, that again is not in my code!!



perhaps you are using someone elses version of my code??



I noticed it was calling for that image, and checked the images dir but not there.

Which file will it be in? one of the template ones or ??? Maybe i have missed a UL of one of the package files or its part of the orginal template?


Its soooo close to where I want it to be, yet so far lol


Is there any easy way of having the products list display as per the individual items (once you've clicked on a product)and just having a truncated description (or none at all?)or is going to be a matter of tweaking this to get it right/>??

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I noticed it was calling for that image, and checked the images dir but not there.

Which file will it be in? one of the template ones or ??? Maybe i have missed a UL of one of the package files or its part of the orginal template?


Its soooo close to where I want it to be, yet so far lol


Is there any easy way of having the products list display as per the individual items (once you've clicked on a product)and just having a truncated description (or none at all?)or is going to be a matter of tweaking this to get it right/>??



You need to examine your template, the trouble with using templates is the writers hack the code & do daft things making them incompatible with add-ons.



For the most part you only need to replace the product_listing.php module to install this, most of the other changes are superficial.


Check you are using the latest from http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6051



This only uses standard calls, mainly from the box class, examine that to see whats been changed by your template there.wink.gif



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Hi Sam, I've been trying successfully to leave you alone, but there's just this:




My Dynamenu vertical flyouts are being obscured by my product thumbnails in Product Listing Enhancements.


I thought something simple like this (z-index) would do it:


.vertsubframe { /* Color of submenu item and border */

background-color: #7f776f;

border: 2px solid #ffffff;

position: relative;

display: block;

padding: 2px;

z-index: 1; (or a higher number)



But alas no. Any pointers?

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I have this contribution working along w/ the additional images. How do I get it to show the main image on the products listing ? It seems to use the first additional image instead of the main product one.

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^ Sure enough it's fine in Firefox, but I do have my


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />


in place...


Remember in ie the rounded corners are done with javascript, so those elements are created late on the page, try placing the Dynamenu script after the roundies code, so it can draw its elements later.



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I have this contribution working along w/ the additional images. How do I get it to show the main image on the products listing ? It seems to use the first additional image instead of the main product one.



Thats whats supposed to happen, if you want it to ignore the additional images, just disable the detection.


ie change:


$addimages = (is_readable(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'displayimages.php')); // Additional Images Present




$addimages = false;



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Remember in ie the rounded corners are done with javascript, so those elements are created late on the page, try placing the Dynamenu script after the roundies code, so it can draw its elements later.

I'm sorry Sam, but again you're overestimating my basic level of understanding. :(


Which file do I go to in order to "place the Dynamenu script after the roundies code"?

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:'( The random drawing and not-drawing of the thumbnail border (and background colour!) persists, it's doing my head in, I keep thinking I've had and idea but it does nothing. I know you didn't know how to sort it Sam, but where would you begin to look for an answer? Please point me there, be a chap.

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Today's question,


How to introduce line breaks in the product listing page. They work on the product info page, but I assume that the code strips out all of the html tages. Using the br tag will it be better to try and find the bit of code that does this and then comment out or is there a better method?


Thanks for helping

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Today's question,


How to introduce line breaks in the product listing page. They work on the product info page, but I assume that the code strips out all of the html tages. Using the br tag will it be better to try and find the bit of code that does this and then comment out or is there a better method?


Thanks for helping



Dont worry, I've sorted it now. Thanks anyway

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Maybe a noob question, but how can I get the 'buy now' and 'details' on one line in Internet Explorer?

In Firefox is looks perfectley, but in IE the 'details' pic posistions 3 pixels or so higher then the 'buy now' pic.

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hey everyone,


whenever a category is selected and the product list shows up with all the thumnails as well as the description and the manufacturers name. The link to the manufacturerfilter has no manufacturers_id and thus redirects me to the homepage.




I only have this problem with the categoryfilter and not with the subcategoryfilter or advanced search filter.



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1. I assume you are viewing with ie, adjust the settings in the page-header-inc.htc file


2. Have you tried using tools to check on css used?


I have the same problem as No. 2. I use Firebug, but I'm not that proffesional in programming.

How do I know what to change to lever both pics?

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I have the same problem as No. 2. I use Firebug, but I'm not that proffesional in programming.

How do I know what to change to lever both pics?

Hello mate. I'm no pro either but I've been through the same issue. You're looking at the following entries in stylesheet.css




.infoBoxProducts {





/* set pos buy/details button on list */

img.buy_now { margin-bottom:10px; }



/* set pos buy/details button on thumbnail */

img.thm_buy_now { margin-bottom:0px; }




Those values are mine, but the last one ensures that my buy now and details buttons are side by side in the thumbnail setting. To get the horizontal space between them down to zero, like in the screenshot in my previous unanswered post, you'll need to find the appropriate "|" symbol in includes/modules/product_listing.php and take it out, along with the " " on either side of it.

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Hello mate. I'm no pro either but I've been through the same issue. You're looking at the following entries in stylesheet.css




.infoBoxProducts {





/* set pos buy/details button on list */

img.buy_now { margin-bottom:10px; }



/* set pos buy/details button on thumbnail */

img.thm_buy_now { margin-bottom:0px; }




Those values are mine, but the last one ensures that my buy now and details buttons are side by side in the thumbnail setting. To get the horizontal space between them down to zero, like in the screenshot in my previous unanswered post, you'll need to find the appropriate "|" symbol in includes/modules/product_listing.php and take it out, along with the " " on either side of it.


Hmmm, I see already changed it to 0px. But now I remembered when it went wrong.

I installed the contribution "pure css button image swap". When I restore my backup, the detail button levels with the buy now. This contribution messed the thing up.

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