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Product Listing Enhancements, Thumbnails & Manufacturer Headings


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could you give more detals?


as stated in the doc the quantity box will only appear if valid for given data, ie if price is 0, or stock is 0, or you have multi cart & attributes, but have not enabled attributes


do u see price or stock?.


error is oftn due to sql issues, that is created by index.php.



Hi SAm,


Many thanks for your help with this. I can turn price and stock on and see them.



I dont have any attributes as I do not get the contiune button instead of the buy it now button.


Everything else can pop up as per the admin side.


I have the variable set to false in product_listing.php


Hope this helps



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have you selected a buy now option for the button, is the button set to display? what r your admin settings?



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have you selected a buy now option for the button, is the button set to display? what r your admin settings?


My Admin Settings are; Hope this helps,


Title Value Action

Display Product Image 1

Display Product Manufaturer Name 0

Display Product Model 0

Display Product Name 2

Display Product Price 3

Display Product Quantity 4

Display Product Weight 5

Display Buy Now column 6

Display Category/Manufacturer Filter (0=disable; 1=enable) 1

Location of Prev/Next Navigation Bar (1-top, 2-bottom, 3-both) 1

Display Product Options 0

Product Listing Style list in blocks

Product Listing Short Description false

Product Listing Buy Now / Details Button buy now

Product Listing Manufacturers Description false

Product Listing Headings false

Display Product Options true

Product Listing Image Height. 100

Product Listing Image Width 100

Product Listing Box Width 400

Product Listing Box Height 180

Product Listing Per Row 2

Product Listing Image Vertical Space 100

Product Listing Name Vertical Space 25

Display Product Truncated Description 2

Product Truncated Description Length 120

Display Product Name/Price above all other fields true

Enable Multi Add to Cart true

Display a Quantity Input Box / Drop Down true

Display Products Extra Fields false

Product Listing Style Last Column Size 1

Product Listing Style Switch top

Product Listing Image zoom on hover false

Product Listing Image hover zoom width 200

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Have u tried disabling Multi Add to Cart for now (as per doc increases criteria)


un comment the line echo '<hr>' . $listing_sql . '<hr>' . $listing_split->number_of_rows . ' records.'; and give the sql you then get


a link would help too.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


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Have u tried disabling Multi Add to Cart for now (as per doc increases criteria)


un comment the line echo '<hr>' . $listing_sql . '<hr>' . $listing_split->number_of_rows . ' records.'; and give the sql you then get


a link would help too.



Hi Again


SQL Code is


select p.products_image, pd.products_name, p.products_quantity, p.products_weight, p.products_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price, p.products_qty_blocks, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price from products_description pd, products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id, products_to_categories p2c where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.products_id = p2c.products_id and pd.language_id = '2' and p2c.categories_id = '33' order by pd.products_name


4 records.


Site link is www.omnitrack.ca/new-2010/index.php

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OK sql looks ok, I suspect the issue may be tep_get_products_stock($products_id) is not returning a valid value, or the setting for MAX_QTY_IN_CART


try this, in the listing file find:


$pstock = min(tep_get_products_stock($products_id),MAX_QTY_IN_CART); $qbox = ($pstock && $p_price != 0);


add after:


$qbox =  true;


also could you say what Product Quantities In Shopping Cart is set to?



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


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OK sql looks ok, I suspect the issue may be tep_get_products_stock($products_id) is not returning a valid value, or the setting for MAX_QTY_IN_CART


try this, in the listing file find:


$pstock = min(tep_get_products_stock($products_id),MAX_QTY_IN_CART); $qbox = ($pstock && $p_price != 0);


add after:


$qbox =  true;


also could you say what Product Quantities In Shopping Cart is set to?



CASE SOLVED: Thanks so much it worked after I added $qbox = true; where you said.


Now on to quantity price breaks displaying!!!!

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Sorry, wishlist is not part of the default osC file, you must have added it from somewhere.


Adding that one line would not do what you want, more code needed, adding it would have other un-related effects instead.


Oh, sorry!

This Code snippet comes from the Wishlist3.0 contrib

The function is included within application_top



// include wishlist class 
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'wishlist.php'); 



 $Id: wishlist.php,v 3.0  2005/08/24 Dennis Blake
 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 class wishlist {
var $wishID;

function wishlist() {

function restore_wishlist() {
global $customer_id;

	if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) return false;

// merge current wishlist items in database
	if (is_array($this->wishID)) {

		while (list($wishlist_id, ) = each($this->wishID)) {
			$wishlist_query = tep_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "' and products_id = '" . $wishlist_id . "'");
			if (!tep_db_num_rows($wishlist_query)) {
	   			tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " (customers_id, products_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "')");
				if (isset($this->wishID[$wishlist_id]['attributes'])) {
					while (list($option, $value) = each($this->wishID[$wishlist_id]['attributes'])) {
				    		tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " (customers_id, products_id, products_options_id , products_options_value_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "', '" . $option . "', '" . $value . "' )");

	// reset session contents

	$wishlist_session = tep_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
	while($wishlist = tep_db_fetch_array($wishlist_session)) {
		$this->wishID[$wishlist['products_id']] = array($wishlist['products_id']);
	// attributes
      		$attributes_query = tep_db_query("select products_options_id, products_options_value_id from " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "' and products_id = '" . $wishlist['products_id'] . "'");
      		while ($attributes = tep_db_fetch_array($attributes_query)) {
    			$this->wishID[$wishlist['products_id']]['attributes'][$attributes['products_options_id']] = $attributes['products_options_value_id'];

function add_wishlist($wishlist_id, $attributes_id) {
     global $customer_id;

	if(!$this->in_wishlist($wishlist_id)) {

		$wishlist_id = tep_get_uprid($wishlist_id, $attributes_id);
		// Insert into session
		$this->wishID[$wishlist_id] = array($wishlist_id);

		if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
		// Insert into database
   			tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " (customers_id, products_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "')");

   		// Read array of options and values for attributes in id[]
		if (is_array($attributes_id)) {
			while (list($option, $value) = each($attributes_id)) {
		    	$this->wishID[$wishlist_id]['attributes'][$option] = $value;
	   			// Add to customers_wishlist_attributes table
				if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
		    		tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " (customers_id, products_id, products_options_id , products_options_value_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "', '" . $option . "', '" . $value . "' )");

function remove($wishlist_id) {
global $customer_id;

	// Remove from session

	//remove from database
	if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
		tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " where products_id = '" . $wishlist_id . "' and customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
		tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " where products_id = '" . $wishlist_id . "' and customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");

function clear() {
global $customer_id;

	// Remove all from database
 		if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
	  		$wishlist_products_query = tep_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
  		while($wishlist_products = tep_db_fetch_array($wishlist_products_query)) {
			tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " where products_id = '" . $wishlist_products[products_id] . "' and customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
			tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " where products_id = '" . $wishlist_products[products_id] . "' and customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");

function reset($reset_database = false) {
     global $customer_id;

	// Remove all from database
	if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id') && ($reset_database == true)) {
       	tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");
       	tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WISHLIST_ATTRIBUTES . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'");

	// reset session contents

function in_wishlist($wishlist_id) {
global $customer_id;

	if (isset($this->wishID[$wishlist_id])) {
       	return true;
     	} else {
       	return false;

function get_att($wishlist_id) {
   	$pieces = explode('{', $wishlist_id);

    return $pieces[0];

   function count_wishlist() {  // get total number of items in wishlist 
     $total_items = 0;
     if (is_array($this->wishID)) {
       while (list($wishlist_id, ) = each($this->wishID)) {

     return $total_items;




And for product_info only the button is required to add an product to the wishlist.

In my old product_listing it was no problem to add this button.


$lc_text .= '<br />' . tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, ($cPath ? 'cPath=' . $cPath . '&' : '') . 'products_id=' . $listing['products_id'] . '&action=add_product')) . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $listing['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_wishlist2.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_ADD_WISHLIST, 'name="wishlist" value="wishlist"') . '</form>';


Thank you in advance


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I see thier method now, & I don't like it!! There are much better ways to process a selection than diverting an existing submit. blink.gif


I`ll take a look at a inclusion when I`ve time.



PS The button will not work with multi add to cart (due to thier code) so please say if u use that.

Edited by spooks



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


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I see thier method now, & I don't like it!! There are much better ways to process a selection than diverting an existing submit. blink.gif


I`ll take a look at a inclusion when I`ve time.



PS The button will not work with multi add to cart (due to thier code) so please say if u use that.


Thank you.

Yes i use MultiAdd but its not necessary.


I've got another question about "Pure css button image swap-v1.1" included in the "product_listing" package.

If i don't add an _over button for an "tep_image_submit" button, there is a border around the button?! :blink:


Any Ideas?


Thank you

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Thank you.

Yes i use MultiAdd but its not necessary.


I've got another question about "Pure css button image swap-v1.1" included in the "product_listing" package.

If i don't add an _over button for an "tep_image_submit" button, there is a border around the button?! blink.gif


Any Ideas?


Thank you



Thats not in this package!! Thats a seperate add-on!!


In anycase your border is not due to that, as it states if a button does not have a _over button the original function is used.


Also in some browsers, once a button link has been clicked they will add a border around the image, perhaps thats your issue?



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


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Thats not in this package!! Thats a seperate add-on!!


In anycase your border is not due to that, as it states if a button does not have a _over button the original function is used.


Also in some browsers, once a button link has been clicked they will add a border around the image, perhaps thats your issue?


Sorry, you're right, it was only a suggested package.

Problem solved, a border was defined in the stylesheet "form input, form textarea, form select"


Thank you very much!

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Hi there, great addon. However, I have a problem with the specials price not showing on main page after installation. The data seems to be pulled from includes/modules/new_products. They will show when I go to the specific specials page and category listings. I may be missing some syntax? Help.

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Hi there, great addon. However, I have a problem with the specials price not showing on main page after installation. The data seems to be pulled from includes/modules/new_products. They will show when I go to the specific specials page and category listings. I may be missing some syntax? Help.



Please read the doc, it says why they are & will not show for new product!!



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


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There are currently 84 pages in this thread and I can't find an answer to my question elsewhere on this board.


I need to make a link on the Catalog page that brings up ALL products, not just the new products.


I hope no one gets made at my newb question because I have spent over a week reading this board and the os manual to solve this problem.


There is only one manufacturer so the "Manufacturer" box is redundant.


Any suggestions?

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2. Its another ie8 issue, to obtain a consistant look across the ie browsers:


edit your index.php & advanced search results.php & any others that call the listing:


immediatly after the




<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />




I think the correct code is


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">



Edited by designbysue
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There are currently 84 pages in this thread and I can't find an answer to my question elsewhere on this board.


I need to make a link on the Catalog page that brings up ALL products, not just the new products.


I hope no one gets made at my newb question because I have spent over a week reading this board and the os manual to solve this problem.


There is only one manufacturer so the "Manufacturer" box is redundant.


Any suggestions?

I think there is a contribution that does that.



Edited by designbysue
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Sam - I am having a problem with missing images in IE8. I posted the question here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/353755-broken-image-in-ie8-but-not-firefox/page__gopid__1483660entry1483660.


A response includede the following


Webpage error details


User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)

Timestamp: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 21:13:56 UTC



Message: Access is denied to: https://www.paintbal...om/csshover.htc

Line: 0

Char: 0

Code: 0

URI: http://www.paintball...y.com/index.php



Message: Access is denied to: https://www.paintbal...om/csshover.htc

Line: 0

Char: 0

Code: 0

URI: http://www.paintball...y.com/index.php



That csshover.htc was part of the install for Product Listing Enhancement... Can you tell me how to correct this error?




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I think the correct code is


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">




But now that I have this correct, the hover is correct in IE8 but incorrect in Firefox - it is behind the neighboring image like it was in IE8 before.


I am getting so confused!!!! maybe my post about csshover will answer this too.




Edited by designbysue
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Thank you for a great Contribution!


However I can't seem to change the color and font of the prize (I do it in the stylesheet .infoboxgrid) without changing the color and font of "model" as well.


How do i change color and font for prize only?



Thank you for your time



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But now that I have this correct, the hover is correct in IE8 but incorrect in Firefox - it is behind the neighboring image like it was in IE8 before.


I am getting so confused!!!! maybe my post about csshover will answer this too.






I not seen that with csshover before, but as some-one said, conform to filename rules then see how you get on:


Don't use any reserved characters when saving your pictures, for best practice do not put any of: $&+,/:;=?@<>#%{}|^~[]` or any spaces or any quotes and use all lower case, breaking these rules is likely to cause failure in one browser or another.


If you still have issues with css hover you would be best looking to its author.


Re Firefox issue, strictly speaking its following the rules, as the following images rendered later they appear on top.


The best bet is to adjust the horizontal positioning to ensure popup appear directly over the original, unfortunatly the figures vary, depending on images size, popup size & doctype used so my code is only approximate.


in page-header-inc.htc adjust

margin-left:-<?php echo (int)(IMAGE_TTIP_WIDTH/8) ?>px;

for firefox and

margin-left:-<?php echo (int)(IMAGE_TTIP_WIDTH*0.9) ?>px;

for IE


you could replace the calculations with direct values if you wish, as long as you don't intend to change the popup size in admin.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


Secure & Improve your account pages et al.

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I need to make a link on the Catalog page that brings up ALL products, not just the new products.




This mearly displays the sql query applied to product_listing, all the extra pages do is modify that sql according to whats required, you just need to take one of those & adjust the sql to your needs.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


Secure & Improve your account pages et al.

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Sam - on another post (with a different issue) someone reported the following error on my site. Could this be the problem and any idea of how to fix it?




Webpage error details


User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)

Timestamp: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 21:13:56 UTC



Message: Access is denied to: https://www.paintbal...om/csshover.htc

Line: 0

Char: 0

Code: 0

URI: http://www.paintball...y.com/index.php



Message: Access is denied to: https://www.paintbal...om/csshover.htc

Line: 0

Char: 0

Code: 0

URI: http://www.paintball...y.com/index.php

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Sam - on another post (with a different issue) someone reported the following error on my site. Could this be the problem and any idea of how to fix it?







As I said, not seen that b4, could be due to your invalid filenames, so correct that & see if issue remains.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


Secure & Improve your account pages et al.

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I not seen that with csshover before, but as some-one said, conform to filename rules then see how you get on:


Don't use any reserved characters when saving your pictures, for best practice do not put any of: $&+,/:;=?@<>#%{}|^~[]` or any spaces or any quotes and use all lower case, breaking these rules is likely to cause failure in one browser or another.


If you still have issues with css hover you would be best looking to its author.


Re Firefox issue, strictly speaking its following the rules, as the following images rendered later they appear on top.


The best bet is to adjust the horizontal positioning to ensure popup appear directly over the original, unfortunatly the figures vary, depending on images size, popup size & doctype used so my code is only approximate.


in page-header-inc.htc adjust

margin-left:-<?php echo (int)(IMAGE_TTIP_WIDTH/8) ?>px;

for firefox and

margin-left:-<?php echo (int)(IMAGE_TTIP_WIDTH*0.9) ?>px;

for IE


you could replace the calculations with direct values if you wish, as long as you don't intend to change the popup size in admin.



Thanks for the millionth time, but once again, this seems to be above my head. Is it possible for you to give me an idea of what to do to make this work?



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