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I am stuck


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Not all the images on my home page have width & height dimensions: I need to make sure all img tags have height & width attributes


The problem I have is: where exactly do I add the code below? Do I add in includes>languages>english>index.php ? And if so, where exactly do I add the code?



<img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/any.jpg" height="300" width="200" alt="Your Chosen Alt Text">


I'm really stuck here! I appreaciate any advice you can offer....thanks

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And I don`t know what your tryinmg to do, width & height are set in admin.



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As far as I know, if you use osC code to add images, the height and width are always there.


If you've manually added images or other code, there's no telling.


The main page is composed of itself and multiple includes such as header.php, column_left.php, column_right.php and footer.php to name a few.


You just have to know where the code that displays them is, or look at the HTML source and figure it out.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I used a tool on whois.domaintools.com and from an SEO perspective it said I need to assign tags to 75 images


Images: 101 (Alt tags missing: 75)


I want to add tags to the 75 images and I figure my homepage is a good start since there are 20 thumbnails on that page.


Can you have a look at my homepage: www.homelandart.ie and maybe you can suggest where I should go to add the Alt tags.



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