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The e-commerce.

Effect code change on Google?


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Hi I would like to know if the following adjustment on my oscommerce webshop will have a negative effect in Google or other searchengines or not?


To make some text on my webshop's mainpage as well english as dutch I want to replace the following code on the main page of my webshop:


 <p><span class="style2">Welcome to Mystore</span></p>														   
 <p class="style4">The largest store for Cd's Dvd's</p>													
 <p class="style4">Vinyl, Computergames, Toys & Any other stuff I made up</p>											  



with the code below:


 <p><span class="style2"><?php echo (TEXT_LINE_1); ?></span></p>														   
 <p class="style4"><?php echo (TEXT_LINE_2); ?></p>													
 <p class="style4"><?php echo (TEXT_LINE_3); ?></p>											  


This while making the nescesary TEXT_LINE_X define statements in /includes/languages/english.php and /includes/languages/dutch.php


So again my question, will replacing the textlines on my mainpage with "<?php echo (TEXT_LINE_X); ?>" statements have a negative effect in google or any other searchengine or not?


Regards Morgan

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You`re useing PHP, this means your sever parses your code to serve a html page to the browser, so your change has no effect for the end user, be it a bot or user.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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You`re useing PHP, this means your sever parses your code to serve a html page to the browser, so your change has no effect for the end user, be it a bot or user.



That's great :lol: Then I can implement this change without any worries not to be found anymore with these keywords in google etc. Thanks for your fast answer.

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