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Buy Now button with product attributes pre-selected


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Is there a way to create a Special Buy Now Button (It could be for a banner usage) in order to directly add a product to the cart with pre-selected attributes?


Solution: The following script will add to shopping cart product_id=96 with an attribute pre-selected. In order to test it ,change the values for product attributes and product id to an existing ones.


<form name="cart_add" action='<?

$link_carrito= "product_info.php?action=add_product&products_id=96";

echo tep_href_link($link_carrito,$osCsid);?>' method="POST">


<input type="hidden" name="id[36]" value="69">

<input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="96">

<a href="java script:document.cart_add.submit();" target="_self" >Add to cart</a>



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