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Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file:


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I'm a newbie and I'm getting this error message.

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file:

I made set the file permissions to 644. on my configure.php file and I'm still getting the same message.

It says set it on configure.php files which two is it refering to?


I'm a newbie and I'm getting this error message.

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file:

I made set the file permissions to 644. on my configure.php file and I'm still getting the same message.

It says set it on configure.php files which two is it refering to?


The catalog/includes/config.php file as stated in the warning message.


i have the same prob with a fresh install... me and my host have set 444 & 644 and we both see the same msg as kyle1


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/brantfo1/public_html/***************/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


Read the docs, & do`nt set with ftp



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If 644 or 444 permissions don't get rid of the warning, try 400.


And as Spooks said, use the Web Host Control Panel (NOT OSC!) to change permissions.


FTP usually falls flat when attempting this.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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