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How do I add space to the left of my body text?!


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Wow, I don't mind helping a shop owner who is trying to set up their own shop but you are selling the skills needed to do this.


"We specialize in Custom E Commerce Data Base Applications, Software Development, Web Development, Graphic Design, Flash Development, Search Engine Marketing, Web Site Maintenance, "


You could try getting one of your specialists to do it for you or am I missing something here?

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Wow, I don't mind helping a shop owner who is trying to set up their own shop but you are selling the skills needed to do this.


"We specialize in Custom E Commerce Data Base Applications, Software Development, Web Development, Graphic Design, Flash Development, Search Engine Marketing, Web Site Maintenance, "


You could try getting one of your specialists to do it for you or am I missing something here?


I'm a front-end web designer, I was hired to do photoshop, flash and some CSS. I don't know how to code PHP. We haven't hired a developer yet, and in the meantime I am having to figure some of this stuff out myself.


but if you would rather use this time to "put me in my place" or whatever go right ahead


Not trying to "put you in your place" but if not you, who did the CSS layout?


A quick fix, just looking at the source code, is to add a rule for paragraphs.


p {
 margin-left: 5px;


Adjust to suit or to give you an idea, if you want to get more in depth.


I like your flash header btw.



EDIT: Add the rule to your base.css - I forgot to mention that.

Not trying to "put you in your place" but if not you, who did the CSS layout?


A quick fix, just looking at the source code, is to add a rule for paragraphs.


p {
 margin-left: 5px;


Adjust to suit or to give you an idea, if you want to get more in depth.


I like your flash header btw.



EDIT: Add the rule to your base.css - I forgot to mention that.


OMG Thank you so much! You rock.


I didn't have to edit a lot of the CSS for this but anything more than cursory that's unique to us was done by this guy who is currently coding our own cart system from scratch. He is kinda in "the zone" so we try not to bother him.


Thanks again man!


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