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The e-commerce.

Catalog in LAN


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Hi to everybody, I really like OSCOMMERCE and I've been playing with it for a while. I'm trying to understand how difficulf would it be to create a version of the catalog that could be used as an order form for a real store and work in conjunction with the online version, sharing the same admin.

I think it would lead OSCOMMERCE to become more a complete ERP solution for businesses.

I would really appreciate if someone could give me some suggestions how to accieve this target and I could give constant feedback and testing in my store.


Thank you



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if you are hosting your own site it is relatively easy, but if it is on a virtual server then you will have to use it as an online form. the php programming is the hardest part because you have to make a new page to input all the information. it'd be a very time consuming project.

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Thank you Stephen,

I was thinking about hosting my own online shop and use a semplified version of the catalog as an order entry for the real store; same database. What I cannot understan is how to modify the cart to receive multiple orders from the same browser and also change the log in procedure to a more simple way to combine customers with orders.

Any suggestion?





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