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PWA isn't working after discount coupon codes installation

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I just installed the discount coupon codes and now my PWA contribution isn't working. It doesn't carry the shipping address and amount over to the checkout_shipping.php. It also will not leave the checkout_shipping.php page to go to the checkout_payment.php page. Exactly what codes do I need to insert to get the PWA working again? I'm really new at this and have no clue as to how to fix this.

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I just installed the discount coupon codes and now my PWA contribution isn't working. It doesn't carry the shipping address and amount over to the checkout_shipping.php. It also will not leave the checkout_shipping.php page to go to the checkout_payment.php page. Exactly what codes do I need to insert to get the PWA working again? I'm really new at this and have no clue as to how to fix this.


I've figured out which page it is that's causing the problem but have no idea how to fix it. It's the catalog/includes/classes/order.php. Can someone please help me out? Here is the discount coupon scripts on that page:





//kgt - discount coupons

global $coupon;

if( tep_session_is_registered( 'coupon' ) && tep_not_null( $coupon ) ) {

require_once( DIR_WS_CLASSES.'discount_coupon.php' );

$this->coupon = new discount_coupon( $coupon, $this->delivery );

$this->coupon->total_valid_products( $products );

$valid_products_count = 0;


//end kgt - discount coupons






//kgt - discount coupons

if( is_object( $this->coupon ) ) {

$applied_discount = 0;

$discount = $this->coupon->calculate_discount( $this->products[$index], $valid_products_count );

if( $discount['applied_discount'] > 0 ) $valid_products_count++;

$shown_price = $this->coupon->calculate_shown_price( $discount, $this->products[$index] );

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price['shown_price'];

$shown_price = $shown_price['actual_shown_price'];

} else {

$shown_price = tep_add_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'], $this->products[$index]['tax']) * $this->products[$index]['qty'];

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price;



$shown_price = tep_add_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'], $this->products[$index]['tax']) * $this->products[$index]['qty'];

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price;


//end kgt - discount coupons




//kgt - discount coupon

if( is_object( $this->coupon ) ) {

$this->info['total'] = $this->coupon->finalize_discount( $this->info );


//end kgt - discount coupon

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I've figured out which page it is that's causing the problem but have no idea how to fix it. It's the catalog/includes/classes/order.php. Can someone please help me out? Here is the discount coupon scripts on that page:





//kgt - discount coupons

global $coupon;

if( tep_session_is_registered( 'coupon' ) && tep_not_null( $coupon ) ) {

require_once( DIR_WS_CLASSES.'discount_coupon.php' );

$this->coupon = new discount_coupon( $coupon, $this->delivery );

$this->coupon->total_valid_products( $products );

$valid_products_count = 0;


//end kgt - discount coupons






//kgt - discount coupons

if( is_object( $this->coupon ) ) {

$applied_discount = 0;

$discount = $this->coupon->calculate_discount( $this->products[$index], $valid_products_count );

if( $discount['applied_discount'] > 0 ) $valid_products_count++;

$shown_price = $this->coupon->calculate_shown_price( $discount, $this->products[$index] );

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price['shown_price'];

$shown_price = $shown_price['actual_shown_price'];

} else {

$shown_price = tep_add_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'], $this->products[$index]['tax']) * $this->products[$index]['qty'];

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price;



$shown_price = tep_add_tax($this->products[$index]['final_price'], $this->products[$index]['tax']) * $this->products[$index]['qty'];

$this->info['subtotal'] += $shown_price;


//end kgt - discount coupons




//kgt - discount coupon

if( is_object( $this->coupon ) ) {

$this->info['total'] = $this->coupon->finalize_discount( $this->info );


//end kgt - discount coupon

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