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Uber Frustrated


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i have a clean install of OSC V2.2 RC2 (with the addition of STS 4.5.8) and i had everything setup and working properly until i installed my ssl cert. let me start by saying, i've tried the search button but couldn't find a answer. i'm using dreamhost for the hosting and i purchased the ssl cert from godaddy. when i first installed osc i could switch templates and login to the admin side of things. after the ssl cert was "installed" i get a error saying i'm about to view a page with secure and unsecure items and i can no longer login to the admin side. what did i do wrong or what am i missing. i was all set to actually start work on my new site today but i can't seem to get anything working properly. any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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Dreamhost? Good luck!


Who installed the SSL Cert? You or Dreamhost? If "you" then did you install it correctly.


Is the shop front working?


You're probably getting "Secure/Insecure" warnings because you hardcoded images to http links instead of using relative pathways e.g. 'http://www.yourdomain.com/images/some_image.gif' instead of using 'images/some_image.gif' as the pathway.


If you use Flash on the site then the two http download links to Macromedia embedded in the flash content needs to be changed to https links.



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thanks for the quick reply.


dreamhost "installed" my cert via some automated thing. i'm not really too sure and no one has replied back to my email i sent them.


i believe you are correct on the hard coded image links. i can see the standard shop front if i goto the url. www.brokerprinter.com


is there something i can check to make sure the ssl cert was installed correctly or should i just keep badgering my host until someone answers me?

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seems dreamhost installs a temporary ssl certificate onto the server for you when you initially set it up. does anyone know if this would cause me to not be able to login via the admin panel? i'm currently trying to setup my godaddy ssl cert and remove the dreamhost temp ssl cert. hopefully this solves my problem.

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