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adding links within product description


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I'm trying to add links and images within my product descriptions but no matter how i try to do it, it inserts the route directory in front of my link even if the link starts with http://


This means that anything i try to link to externally comes up as http://localhost/catalog/http://www.whateverdomain.com


Does anyone know how to get around this problem?






well, what i did is i hardcode to the description instead

under description, Html will work too

so i will just to the <aherf=http://whateverdomain.com> inside the description area


sorry i should have given a little more information.


Her's an example of a before and after,


this is what i put into the description


<a href=http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm">Before ordering wheel clearances MUST be checked - Click here for instructions</a>


and this is what appears after saving it


<a href="http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm">Before ordering wheel clearances MUST be checked - Click here for instructions</a>


It's confusing the hell out of me!





the only embed links contribution i can find is this one

embed links with SID in description


dont think this is really what i'm looking for, all i need is for oscommerce to stop putting http://localhost/catalog in front of all my links


from what i can tell the above contribution just adds the session id to the link which really isn't important to me as i'm only linking to external pages and images


sorry i should have given a little more information.


Her's an example of a before and after,


this is what i put into the description


<a href=http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm">Before ordering wheel clearances MUST be checked - Click here for instructions</a>


and this is what appears after saving it


<a href="http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm">Before ordering wheel clearances MUST be checked - Click here for instructions</a>


It's confusing the hell out of me!




just noticed i made a mistake in this post, the forum seems to be removing the part which i think is causing the problem.


Basically this is what i insert <a href="http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm">Before ordering wheel clearances MUST be checked - Click here for instructions</a> and this is what displays http://localhost/catalog/%22http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Information%20Pages/Creating%20a%20Wheel%20Clearance.htm%22 as the link.



I use FCK

You can make your product description full html, then you can have any layout & images within the description you want.

Have no trouble with links with that.


FCKeditor for Product Descriptions http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2900



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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looks like its an easy populate problem, instead of uploading " it uploads & # 34; (i've had to add spaces as the forum automatically displays a " if i dont) which oscommerce doesn't read as a quote and so inswerts the document root before the link.


I'll try to find a solution now but if somebody already knows the answer please let me know




I use FCK

You can make your product description full html, then you can have any layout & images within the description you want.

Have no trouble with links with that.


FCKeditor for Product Descriptions http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2900


Thanks but i dont think that will work for me, i currently have 20,000 products in my store and it's likely to grow to around 50,000 by the time i'm finished so i have to use easy populate to upload my descriptions. I just create them in dreamweaver and then copy the code into the csv but easy populate seems to be replacing the quotes which is causing the problem.



think i've fixed it, in the easy populate settings there's a section that replaces quotes. It says to turn it on if you have extensive html in descriptions so thats what i did originally. I've just tried turning it off and it doesn't appear to have caused any issues but the links now work so i'll leave it off for now!


the only embed links contribution i can find is this one

embed links with SID in description


dont think this is really what i'm looking for, all i need is for oscommerce to stop putting http://localhost/catalog in front of all my links


from what i can tell the above contribution just adds the session id to the link which really isn't important to me as i'm only linking to external pages and images

Yes, that is the one. Without it, your liinks will not retain the session ID, thus breaking your shop.



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Yes, that is the one. Without it, your liinks will not retain the session ID, thus breaking your shop.




but i dont need the session id as i'm linking to external sites which open in a new window and therefore dont need the session id. Its all sorted now anyway but thanks for the advice



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