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The e-commerce.

A simple question... from a non-php person. ^^


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Hiya Ladies and Gentlemen.


I have just intalled OsCommerce after my old site was taken off the air for a brief time by our government (selling GPS jammers which I did not of course know were illegal over here or else I would never have added the item). The question I have relates to the original build of this system. As a graphic designer I know nothing on PHP. lol. I am just writing to ask anyone if they could tell me a quick and easy fix for removing (from the original home page) any text on the main page past the number 1 instruction set (I modified that to fit already). I need to remove the '2 Editing page texts' information but every time I try to modify it it either screws with the layout or the site simply won't load (irony at its best considering the topic at hand). I have tried numerous things but for the life of me just can't seem to get it working properly. As I said... I am no PHP genius. The last scripting or programming I did was on a C-64 in basic back in about 1988. Just wondering if anyone could help.

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You could use TextMaster, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5927 but take care, it does have some bugs.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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