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Additional pages in order process for detailed information


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Some of my products require a lot of additional information for me to process an order - as the service provided requires many details to be provided by the customer, usually in the form of free text fields but also drop down boxes.


Would it be possible for, when someone has bought a product that requires all this information, for them to have an additional page in the order process which captures everything needed?


I have seen mention of some contributions that allow additional input fields by product, which might be a better answer - but the problem I am having is that the text fields are all in the same format (ie same size) when in reality I need one of them to be relatively small and another needs to be 1024 characters long.


Maybe I should just use STS to customise an order page which displays additional order fields automatically?


Also if anyone knows of any contributions that handle additional product attribute fields could they let me know because searching for them on here seems to be a bit hit and miss!




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