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Broken image links with shared ssl


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Hi Guys,


Just a quick one - I know what the problem is - just dont know how to fix it! Site not live yet so still playing arond


Backgroud - friend helped with some of the design work with this oscommerce site (2.2 RC2) and has since had a baby and his time has all but dissapeared (suprisingly!)


Anyway - enable shared ssl on my shared hosting and for the business end it all works fine - user account pages etc all encrypted in all the right places. Currently using paypal standard which seems to work fine and handles the payment encryption - looking at Worldpay as an alternative.


ANYWAY the problem I have is as soon as the user goes https on my site the banner and top images all dissapear in broken links - now I know that the problem is because the links were relative not absolute but where do I look to change them so they are absolute???


site is at www.llamafairtrade.co.uk/catalog


so http the banner location is http://www.llamafairtrade.co.uk/media/header.jpg


then https it says the banner location is now https://secure.hosts.co.uk/media/header.jpg


Had a quick chat with my friend and all he said was get a dedicated ssl cert which is can see would fix it but my host will only provide one for £150/year and I dont think its worth it yet until I look to offer other payment options


Can soneone point to which files i should be looking at????

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All the images that don't show are OUTSIDE the catalog folder.


Move them INSIDE the catalog folder and change the links in the code and stylesheet.


It will work then.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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