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The e-commerce.

Trouble first time installation


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I'm having trouble setting up oosCommerce in my website. I've FTP's the catalog folder to my website and then gone to catalog.install

I went through 4 stages

1. Database Server <mysql database hosted by fasthosts>

2. Web Server

3. Online Store Settings

4. Finished!


Then in the finished page I have two buttons that can take me to the catalog or admin tool

If i click on eiither of these I get the following error:


1146 - Table 'misterp.configuration' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




Now it says in step 1 that the database was imported successfully. All I have done is set up a mysql database that is hosted by fasthosts and added a username and password which i used in this configuration app.

Is this enough?


Thank you!

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