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"Demo" account that can't be altered; or, ability to turn off "change password" feature


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I see that a similar question has been asked at least once before:




I've got a client's store with a "demo" customer account set up for the purposes of, well, demonstrating some features of the site (when an order is placed, a bunch of stuff happens on the site, etc.). We're letting people log in and place a dummy order using the demo account, so they can see what happens. Only problem is, we have to give them the demo account's password in order to do this, and it's possible that someone may then decide to log in and mess with the demo account when we're not looking (change the email, change the password, whatever). I know we can log in via the admin area and change it back if need be, or change the password to the demo account periodically, but is there any other way of securing it so that we don't have to jump through those hoops?


The demo account is absolutely necessary for the client's site, no getting around that in any way. The demo account must be able to fully check out (using the 4111 credit card number), which it currently is.


I'm wondering if there's no actual contribution for what I'm trying to do, maybe there'd be a way to just not display the "My Account" links in account.php when the person is logged in to that specific account? We do want normal store customers to be able to change their passwords or email addresses if they want to.

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