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Posted (edited)
Tada ^^...Definitly my mistake...I missed up a line while upgrading to 2.2a...


On checkout_confirmation.php around 360 you need to be carful to put down echo tep_image_submit('button_confirm_order.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONFIRM_ORDER,'id="TheSubmitButton"') . "\n"; ^^


Hi Olof, Pyrophoenix,


I have exact the same problem, pressing submit button and nothing happens! I used Beyond Compare to incorporate your MATC changes into my checkout_confirmation.php (special oscommerce-template). Design is ok, but I have above described problem. When I use the MATC checkout_confirmation.php then design is crap (of course) but functionality ok. I did this now several times but always with same results.


Phyrophoenix, how exactly did you solve your problem?

I assume you missed the line:

echo tep_image_submit('button_confirm_order.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONFIRM_ORDER,'id="TheSubmitButton"') . "\n"; ?

I have this line included.


Olof, do you have some quick hint, maybe? I would appreciate any helpful advice! Thank you in advance!

Edited by hulkie
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How does it generally work? The javascript checks if t&c checkbox is checked and changes apperance of the order button. Is the javascript also responsible for the functionality of the order button, meaning that the next page appears and the order can be processed?

Please help me, I am really desperated. Everything works so far, but this last step drives me crazy!!


many thanks


How does it generally work? The javascript checks if t&c checkbox is checked and changes apperance of the order button. Is the javascript also responsible for the functionality of the order button, meaning that the next page appears and the order can be processed?

Please help me, I am really desperated. Everything works so far, but this last step drives me crazy!!


many thanks




I tested to install the contribution on a fresh oscommerce 2.2 MS2 rc2 shop.

It worked without problems so I dunno what you can have done wrong.

I understand it now as following:


The Checkbox itself cannot be checked in the confirmation, it can be checked earliest in the process?


And that built-in process will be used only by the original payments, not by any additional payment, because they use their own process in their payment-modules?


So there must be checked earlier (in payment.php) to prevent that various process-mods can´t use the "matc='true'"? The easiest solution would be to integrate MATC in Payment.php, at that time no other mods had hijacked the process.


Yes that seems smart :)

Could be a solution for you. Moving it to the payment should not be to complicated for you.


I have installed it on the 2.2 MS2.

I got the check box to work (but no message when the box is not ticked in the order confirmation, it just refreshes), but then the Cardia (Visa/Mastercard) payment module was bypassed. :(

So I got back to just using the create account part of the contribution.


Has anybody got this working on MS2?


I must anyway thank Larsson for making this module available for the public :)


I tested to install the contribution on a fresh oscommerce 2.2 MS2 rc2 shop.

It worked without problems so I dunno what you can have done wrong.


Hi Olof,

thanks for reply. You are right - your contribution works of course very fine. The mistake was with the template - it was pretty but too screwed up. I took another one and now it works!


thanks for your good work


I have installed it on the 2.2 MS2.

I got the check box to work (but no message when the box is not ticked in the order confirmation, it just refreshes), but then the Cardia (Visa/Mastercard) payment module was bypassed. :(

So I got back to just using the create account part of the contribution.


Has anybody got this working on MS2?


I must anyway thank Larsson for making this module available for the public :)


The contribution is based on OSCommerce 2.2 MS2 Rc2a and you are right that this would give you problems when installing. I would suggest that you upgrade to the most recent version of OSCommerce :D Some work but I think it would be worth it. You can do it either by diffmerging or by remakeing your shop from scratch.


You're welcome :)

The contribution is based on OSCommerce 2.2 MS2 Rc2a and you are right that this would give you problems when installing. I would suggest that you upgrade to the most recent version of OSCommerce :D Some work but I think it would be worth it. You can do it either by diffmerging or by remakeing your shop from scratch.


You're welcome :)



OK, so I guess that you have no plans on making a version for the MS2? ;) I don't know if I'm willing to make all the changes needed for the upgrade to RC2A yet, as my shop have quite some modules added.

Maybe I'll take a closer look at it later to see if it's possible to make it work with MS2. Just have to get the error message to show when the box is not ticked and I must make some adjustments to get the Cardia payment module work.


Hi everyone


I have installed the latest version of this contribution v2.2a and i am getting an error message in the checkout process:


Warning: require(includes/languages/english/MATC_TEXTAREA_FILENAME) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\shop\catalog\includes\modules\matc.php on line 52


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/MATC_TEXTAREA_FILENAME' (include_path='.;\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\shop\catalog\includes\modules\matc.php on line 52


Anyone please help. Thanks.


Hello. I installed the contribution and everything seems to work except that it shows the submit button two times.

Try viewing this page: http://www.bowltech.dk/shop/create_account.php and then check the box as you would normally do.

Then another submit button appears.


The first one is inactive, how do I remove that?


Thanks in advance



The first button is supposed to be inactive. But it should be put invisible by the javascript.

You probably have installed correctly or have some problem with your site in general.


Note: Your page begins with a "php-start-sign".

I wish you good luck in fixing your site.


Hello. I installed the contribution and everything seems to work except that it shows the submit button two times.

Try viewing this page: http://www.bowltech.dk/shop/create_account.php and then check the box as you would normally do.

Then another submit button appears.


The first one is inactive, how do I remove that?


Thanks in advance


Hello again


I've tried fixing it but was unable to. The only modifications I did to the create_account page was to add your code to it, but it won't hide the continue button when you load the page the first time. As you can see on: http://www.bowltech.dk/shop/create_account.php


Also the style on the text is wrong, how do I fix that?


hope you can help.


  • 3 weeks later...

I have been trying to install MATC2.2a on my osC2.2RC1 and I have a big probem when installing the SQL file. I get the following Error message:


-- MATC v2.0

-- MAKE SURE THAT configuration_group_id 73 is free before running this SQL code!!!!!!!!!!


INSERT INTO configuration_group( configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible )


'73', 'Terms & Conditions', 'Configuration options for Terms & Conditions.', 72, 1



MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

#1062 - Duplicate entry '73' for key 1


I think I know what it means but I have no idea what to do about it. How do I check entry 73 and how do I change the entry position required by MATC?

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Do you have another contribution using 73? or have you already installed the sql file?

This you should ask yourself.


MATC don't cares about the group id number. You can shange it to something else. If you donät know how to alter the sql file so that it will use another id than 73, you should take a online tutorial in sql. here are some good ones out there for learning sql :)


Perhaps you already have that

I have been trying to install MATC2.2a on my osC2.2RC1 and I have a big probem when installing the SQL file. I get the following Error message:




I think I know what it means but I have no idea what to do about it. How do I check entry 73 and how do I change the entry position required by MATC?

Posted (edited)
Do you have another contribution using 73?

This you should ask yourself.

Thats what I would like to find out! How do I do that?


there are some good ones out there for learning sql

That stands to reason. Thank you for pointing that out. Do you know any?

I just hoped that someone knows how to fix this before I learn a whole new "programming" language...

Edited by NewBudda

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Is the course I took in sql. Sql is not as hard to learn as a standard programming language.


Go into phpmyadmin (in case you have that for your sql-server) and look at the table "configuration_group" and see if you have a group with 73 there.


Hi folk,


i use the con on rc2a...

Im not sure...my shop was working well before. I guess the problem is this conribution... Now if a user select the payment stuff and than agre the conditions...the order is finisht without asking for creditcard datas or give information about money order (bank account)...also if paypal is used .... the paypal site dosn´t come on the end....


Have somebody the same problem?


Or is the mistake a other thing in my system????



Thanks for some help




Is the course I took in sql. Sql is not as hard to learn as a standard programming language.


Thank you for the Tutorial, it looks very professional. I will start it on the Weekend.


Go into phpmyadmin (in case you have that for your sql-server) and look at the table "configuration_group" and see if you have a group with 73 there.

I checked the configuration group and its shows:

73	  Terms & Conditions	  Configuration options for Terms & Conditions.	  72	  1

I think this is because I tried to install MATC 1.2 a long time ago. Will this cause conflicts?

Should I delete the entry 73 and re-install the .sql file?


Thank you for your help, especially the link, so I can learn how to help myself in the future!

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Well done! Yes that will cause conflicts. Delete the entry and then you should be able to run the .sql file.

This way you do not need to change anything in the sql code.


I wish you good luck!


Thank you for the Tutorial, it looks very professional. I will start it on the Weekend.



I checked the configuration group and its shows:

73	  Terms & Conditions	  Configuration options for Terms & Conditions.	  72	  1

I think this is because I tried to install MATC 1.2 a long time ago. Will this cause conflicts?

Should I delete the entry 73 and re-install the .sql file?


Thank you for your help, especially the link, so I can learn how to help myself in the future!


I have successfully installed the contribution and it works like a charm.

Thank you! Finally my website complies to the german law.

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Would it be possible to add 2 Buttons at the top of the Textarea. One with "Save as.." and 1 with "Print"?

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Hi Olof,


in the last Version unfortunately customers were redirected after a paypal-payment to the confirmation-page, so they couldn´t arrive at the checkout-process and -success.


can you have a look on it before i install this new version, because i have a productive shop, where custumers should buy successful?


thank you, claudio




I downloaded 2.2a Contrib and im having this exact same issue. I am not an expert by far but, can you change the MATC to the checkout_payment.php page? this will work I think... also I found another contribution that has solved (they say) java disbled issues.


does it work?


Also something important for Caludio, as he says its must: Is there any way to record in the Orders and Clients DB that the client has accepted the T&C? This can be very helpful for example as a defense in case of any problem with bank or reversed operations... :)


I had to make a full roll back of MATC because of PayPal problems :(


Hi, Olof

I have the same problem actually. I cannot accept Payments via Paypal with MATC!! I will have to remove it now.

Please help us change this!

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I will move the MATC to checkout_payment.txt in next version.

In the meanwhile please use MATC at registration.


Hi, Olof

I have the same problem actually. I cannot accept Payments via Paypal with MATC!! I will have to remove it now.

Please help us change this!

In the meanwhile please use MATC at registration.

I wish that would be enough for the german law but its not. The customer must actively agree to the T&Cs during the Order Process.

Please please hurry and let us know when you finished the next version! Thank you so much for all your hard work (I am sure thats from all of us)!!

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