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www.refreshcartridges.co.uk redesign


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Hi there,

Just recently we've finished redesigning out site www.refreshcartridges.co.uk and I was looking for any opinions as to what could be improved.


The site has been OS Commerce driven for the last two years and through that time has been quite heavily customized.


I'd appreciate any feedback you could give us.



Hi there,

Just recently we've finished redesigning out site www.refreshcartridges.co.uk and I was looking for any opinions as to what could be improved.


The site has been OS Commerce driven for the last two years and through that time has been quite heavily customized.


I'd appreciate any feedback you could give us.




Very very nice site Chris although this thread will probably be locked down as I dont see a 'Powered by osCommerce' link anywhere.




I was going to comment "Oh, not another refill cartridge site!" but having looked at it it's got a funky design which I find pleasing.


The thing I really don't like about it is that there's just too much going on. Sometimes "less is more" and I realy think you should cut down on unnecessary duplicate content e.g.


1. You already have category listings on the left for cartridges by Manufacturer which stands out well - but then you're taking up a lot of the page by repeating all of those Manufacturers both above and below "All inclusive pricing". I would lose those 6 boxes.


2. The "Fast and Free Delivery" is a selling point but it's in the left column whilst you've got a testimonial in the header. Lose the testimonial, put the "Fast and Free Delivery" into the header.


3. The "Why Refresh Cartridges" blurb is way too long - cut it down to at least half that size.


4. I like the way you've done the Cartridge Wizard. I've seen this mod before, but it's done well on your site. However the very top navigation is lost, the text is too small and feint. At the very least bold the font here.


5. The site doesn't fit into an 800x600 screen anyway, so I'd make it wider than it is.


6. The "Special Offers", "Quantity Discounts" and "Customer Newsletter" take up too much room. I'd make them into boxes like the 3 boxes below.




What vger said!


Overall, it's aesthetically pleasing.


I added it in the Hot 100 list.


I'll probs buy from you when I need ink.

Hi there,

Just recently we've finished redesigning out site www.refreshcartridges.co.uk and I was looking for any opinions as to what could be improved.


The site has been OS Commerce driven for the last two years and through that time has been quite heavily customized.


I'd appreciate any feedback you could give us.





Hi Chris:


Nice work. Can you share what are the customization you did on you website? thanks for all.


Thanks for your kind words; some of the points that Vger made were especially helpful.


There are some things that I possibly wouldn't change; for example the navigation at the top is more for deeplinking SEO purposes than human use and the 'Why Refresh Cartridges' is just loaded with target keywords. I definately think you are correct in saying the site is possibly a little too busy, it could probably do with being a bid wider and certainly the "Special Offers", "Quantity Discounts" and "Customer Newsletter" could all do with being smaller. I'll get my web guy cracking on this next week.


Unfortunately I can't really answer your question lth98105 because I didn't design the site; I'm not sure how much of it is 'custom' I'm afraid.


Most of all, with so much competition it is nice to get a little positive feedback so thank-you. Of course, any other criticisms or suggestions would be welcome.


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