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The e-commerce.

Customer Birthday Reminder

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Hi everyone,


I loaded the addon 'customer birthday reminder' on my new oscommerce site but the problem is that I need to modify the code in admin/index.php

But the code is not there to modify so I am maybe thinking the addon is old and the code has been moved...

I am using v2.2rc2a


The code I need to add is as follows


array('title' => BOX_CUSTOMERS_ORDERS, 'link' =>tep_href_link(FILENAMES_ORDERS,'selected_box=customers')),

array('title' => BOX_CUSTOMERS_BIRTHDAY, 'link' =>tep_href_link(FILENAMES_BIRTHDAY,'selected_box=customers')))),


So in my limited knowledge I am guesing the code is trying to add a field to the admin/ customer on the left called 'birthdays' but the index site no longer has that info....


Any super wizards out there know where I am at? :)


Thanks in advance!!


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