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URGENT! Shopping Cart empties out when checkout or view cart


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PLEASE HELP!! I'm losing customers, and I just paid for advertising.


When a customer puts item in the shopping cart, the shopping cart box shows items are there, but when they go to view the cart or check out, the items are gone! If they go back to view any product listing, the items appear to be back again. This could mean it is because it is when it goes to an SSL screen, but WHY???


I recently upgraded to the newest version, and now I'm losing customers. PLEASE HELP!

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Not sure, whats the url? Have youtried turning on force_cookie _use in sessions?



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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Not sure, whats the url? Have youtried turning on force_cookie _use in sessions?

No, I haven't tried forcing cookies, but it worries me that it will turn people off, so I'd rather not. It was working, not sure what changed, or maybe I just didn't notice it right away.


The url is www.consultantsale.com


Thanks for your time to have a look.

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No, I haven't tried forcing cookies, but it worries me that it will turn people off, so I'd rather not. It was working, not sure what changed, or maybe I just didn't notice it right away.


The url is www.consultantsale.com


Thanks for your time to have a look.



We had this when we moved to php 5 and mysql 5, I will ask our progger what he did an get back to you, as he fixed it no prob.



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In your catalog/includes/configure.php or catalog/includes/local/configure.php make sure these defines are there:



define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.yourdotcom.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.yourdotcom.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');


See if that works for you

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In your catalog/includes/configure.php or catalog/includes/local/configure.php make sure these defines are there:



define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.yourdotcom.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.yourdotcom.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');


See if that works for you


I found a post mentioned this way to fix this error too, unfortunately it didn't work. My original text in catalog/includes/configure.php is exactly same as you posted.


My site is http://www.topme.b2cshops.com, the view cart function works on the index.php page by click "Shopping Cart" even I closed the browser and then return back to the site, however, if I click any boxes' link on the left, such as "My Account", "About Us", "FAQ's", or "Contact Us", then click "Shopping Cart" again, the shopping cart shows empty. But, when I reached any product_info.php page to click the "Shopping Cart", the items shows!


It seems like some problem related to SSL, because the difference I awared is, cart content does show on http://b2cshops.com/topme/shopping_cart.php page, but not showing on https://leander.site5.com/~b2cshops//topme/shopping_cart.php page.

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