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The e-commerce.

a probem with the admin login


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I made a new installation of oscommerce, everything working but i can not login the admin.


during the installation, because this is a test intallation, so i set the administrator's id as admin, password is 12345.


when i try to use "http://www.xxxx.com/xxxxx/eshop//admin/login.php?osCAdminID=v5tppn6qmj0olir2mc389k9k67" address to login, after enter the user id and pwd, it will back the main Admin login screen.


and another problem, on my main catalog screen, it have an error message " Warning: The sessions directory does not exist: /tmp. Sessions will not work until this directory is created." is there any one can tell me where is this directory should be?


many thanks


and for the admin login, if i use a wrong password to login, it will show me the error message on the top of the screen "Error: Invalid administrator login attempt." if i use the correct password, will not get this error message.


the problem solved.


after looked many topic on this forum. i update 2 configure.php. at the end of the file, update the storage to mysql. by default it is empty.


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