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try to add return and about us under information......will not show up


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yep, like it says I copied the shipping.php file and re-did it for my returns.php. it is showing up on my information box shown on the bottom left of my website but when you click on it it cant find the new file. I know I am missing a very simple step. Can someone either give me a link to adding this stuff so I can see what I missed?


--- I added the new returns.php in the catelog to find the main returns.php file in the english folder. I even added the filed to the english.php file.




in case you need to see what I am talking about


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If your talking about a contrib, say what one your talking about, and post in the forum for that, otherwise its just jibberish!!


:blink: :blink: :blink:



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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OK, sorry, I will make it easier or you.


I am trying to seperate the shipping and returns page and also add a "about us" page. I have add the new returns.php file to the english.php file, as well as the "information" box. But as you can see when you click on the returns or the about us the file or website address doesnt work. If you right-clcik over the returns or about us text in the information box, you can see the address it sends you too is comepletely different than the other buttons in the information box.


P.S. the information box I am talking about is located in the bottom left hand corner of my website www.giellacustoms.com/store



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OK, sorry, I will make it easier or you.


if you right click on the link, you will see that the url the browser wants to send you to is:



it looks to me like you did not add the FILENAME_RETURNS definition to your includes/filenames.php file. open up that file and you'll see a bunch of definitions. just create a new one for FILENAME_RETURNS and point it to where you want it to go.

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