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can some one help me please


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hi, I was testing my payment methods and i entered my cc information and my store accepted the card...but my cc is not even activated :blink: ????? why is this??? what can i do to fix this

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The credit card module that is included doesn't do any validation and shouldn't be used for production.


Its best to get a proper ecommerce account and then to find a compatable payment module for it.

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1. you should not be using the CC module - it's for testing only.

2. it's only storing your cc details - it's not making a charge. It just tests the number is valid and the expiry date is valid - nothing more.

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I dont really understand you answer :( sorry....im sorta new to this...what your saying is the that there is nothing i could do to my current store to change this????

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What did you intend to do with the credit card numbers? Input them manually into a terminal?



Yes, I was just going in like a reg customer would do and input my card info and it went through without the card being active...what do i have to do to get a correct cc processor

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If you plan to handle credit card information on your site and not use a payment gateway,

you MUST READ this -> http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?&showtopic=273891


The other option is to use a payment gateway that is PCI compliant. You will need a merchant account with the payment gateway you want to use. When you log in to osc admin and look at the payment modules, those are payment gateways. If you want to know which is best for your business, do a google search on those payment modules and compare fees, transaction charges, rates, etc.

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