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Cannot create/write to /tmp MySQL error 13


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I thought I seriously f'ed my site after installing a contribution when I got an Error 13 (cannot create/write to /tmp) message. I've been in this situation many times before so I simply uploaded a backup of my site. The error didn't go away so I dropped all the tables in my database and uploaded my backup database. The error still didn't go away. Permissions on the tmp dir were granted in mysql. I tried granting permissions on everything. After a few hours of searching I found a post about this issue on another forum.


If an error 13 is not permissions related then your tmp dir is corrupted. You have to delete your site (not your database) in order to "clear out" the tmp dir. Then reupload a backup. Reuploading without deleting first does not work. Hope this is of use someday.


Was the contribution the cause? If so - what was the name of the contribution?


I can't really be certain but I doubt the contribution was the direct cause. After reuploading the site I re-installed the contribution and everything works fine as of about two hours. I tried removing and re-installing the contribution before I found this fix but removing the contrib didn't help. Plus there was no reference to this error in any of the help forums for the contribution which has been around for about three years now. Recover Cart Sales. Its a must-have contrib in my opinion but with every contribution there is an element of risk.


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