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Purchase without account?


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Hello, I recently installed oscommerce, and was really disappointed to see the login.php page: in my experience, that page alone will drive away about 25% of my business: most of my clients want to buy one article once, and never come back. If I ask them to sign up, I estimate about 25% of them will simply turn away and give up.


I looked at the "PWA: Purchase Without Account" mod, but unfortunately it doesn't work with the newest oscommerc version.


Is there a new "Purchase Without Account" mod available? Or any other solution?



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I tried Login Page a la Amazon + Purchase w/o Account, it doesn't work. :huh:


The login.php page now gives me a new box with the button "checkout" on the right, but the box says:




Then when clicking on the Checkout button, it attempts to go to the following URL (which doesn't exist):




Any idea what's wrong?

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