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Please help - Nothing is sorting!


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My site is www.echocomputers.co.za

None of my sort/filters are working. For instance if you go to any products page it does not sort them by price if you choose sort by price. Neither does it sort my manufacturer. Neither does it let me show the next page of results, although for this I just put up the amount of products to be displayed for each page. Someone please HELP? I have searched everywhere and cannot find it! These are the contributions I am using:


Easy Populate




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My site is www.echocomputers.co.za

None of my sort/filters are working. For instance if you go to any products page it does not sort them by price if you choose sort by price. Neither does it sort my manufacturer. Neither does it let me show the next page of results, although for this I just put up the amount of products to be displayed for each page. Someone please HELP? I have searched everywhere and cannot find it! These are the contributions I am using:


Easy Populate





You are probably using USU 2-2.2e which has many issues. Change to 2.1d updated.

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