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Edit Categories Box


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Anyone know where I should go to edit the following for the categories box:

  1. the little arrow
  2. the number of products
  3. the indentation space of subcategories


My site is Christian Bookstore


[*]the little arrow


set by the call, to see what does what, look at the class in classes/boxes.php


function infoBoxHeading($contentsin, $left_corner = true, $right_corner = true, $right_arrow = true, $title_link = false) {


[*]the number of products


set in admin


[*]the indentation space of subcategories


that`ll be in the class somewhere, good luck finding it!!





Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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Thanks for the attempt of helping but

by little arrow I didn't mean the little arrow on the head of the info boxes, this post refers strictly to the categories infobox.

The arrow I referred to is the right facing arrow located at the end of the top categories.



by number of products I referred to :


man of a reformed faith.

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Its always best to make things clear from the start, always gets you better answers.


The codes are in includes\boxes\categories.php


but I like many others think that box is rubbish, so replaced it, probable your best bet.


Try Dynamenu http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4228 or one of the many varients.





Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


Multi Images with Fancy Pop-ups, Easy way


Products in columns with multi buy etc etc


Disable any Category or Product, Easy way


Secure & Improve your account pages et al.

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To remove the category counts you do that in your admin. Click on configuration then show category counts and set that to false.


The rest is in catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php.

For the indectation find around line 17

	  $categories_string .= "  ";

Change to

	  $categories_string .= "";

For the arrow find around line 42

	  $categories_string .= '->';

Change to

	  $categories_string .= '';

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