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Not forwarding to checkout_success.php


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I am having a similar problem with Authorize.net and would like to know how to fix it. If you figure it out before someone responds, could you post what you did here?


My problem is that upon installing and configuring Authorize.net for oscommerce, we went through the payment process (including logging in as a customer, which is necessary), and were able to get all the way through to submitting the order. Once the submit happened, it took us to the page that asks you to log in as a customer. When we checked the authorize.net account and bank account, the payment had definitely gone through. The customer account that we created to test it even got an email automatically that said that the order had been placed. It's just that there was no confirmation page when processing the order on the website, and it takes you to the login screen, that would most likely lead a customer to believe that the order didn't go through, and we would obviously like to keep the customer from making multiple payments.


So, anyone who has insight, we would appreciate it too. Thanks!!!

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Hey furrychops,


Unfortunately, no one has bothered to answer my question, and I'm sure it's not entirely unique.


At any rate, I was working on zen cart for a customer and they had a debug tool that logged php related errors. I had a similar problem (blank page actually) and the debug tool recorded a "Headers already sent" error. That basically meant that there was probably spaces after the last "?>" at the bottom of the php file. So I was able to fix it.


I mention the above because zen cart was derived from osCommerce, and perhaps a similar problem exists within the Authorize.Net module. When I get a chance, I'm going to look at the different checkout_xxxxxx.php pages (listed above in my previous post) and see if there are any trailing spaces or line breaks at the end of the file. Hopefully I find a few and put this all to rest.


Let me know if you find anything.

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So, you are saying to check the end of the code to ensure no spaces exist after the final "?>" in the following files?







any others?


Thanks for your insight. I will post here my findings!

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I tried deleting any blank space after the final closing tag on all those files, and it still is giving me the same results. It is hard to believe that no one else is having this problem. Throw an update my way if you figure something out. I will do the same!

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I tried deleting any blank space after the final closing tag on all those files, and it still is giving me the same results. It is hard to believe that no one else is having this problem. Throw an update my way if you figure something out. I will do the same!


Wow, that sucks. I can't believe no one else is having this problem either. One thing I dislike about using open source and free products is the lack of support. When conducting real business, you can't simply hope for the best when it comes to support. That's basically where we're at with this.

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T Double D -


I have solved my particular authorize.net problem.


I ended up finding this post by "gary" of sparkandfuel.com:




He gives a link to an Authorize.net AIM contribution that I installed, and then I followed his instructions on the changes to make within the actual user's authorize.net account, which included setting BOTH the Receipt/Relay URLs to the same address [https://yoursecuredomainaddress.com/.../checkout_process.php (not checkout_submit!)] and then making sure the Delimited Response settings in the authorize.net account were set properly.


I also found another post here by "Daria":




She actually links to the above post in her post, but the most valuable piece of information I got from her post was at the very bottom. She says she "put the API Login ID instead of the User Login, and it worked." The API Login ID is also found in the merchant's authorize.net web account.


Installing that contrib and making the necessary changes to the merchant's authorize.net account got it up and running just fine. The customer and merchant get automatic email notifications, the payment shows up in the authorize.net account, and the order shows up in the store admin.


Hope that helps you out as well!

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