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The e-commerce.

Upgrading from an old version


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HI guys,


I host a few sites for friends - and a mate of mine wanted his oscommerce installation moving to our server..


I thought it would go smoothly - HOW WRONG COULD I BE!


Firstly, i couldnt get the certificate to work so it could be secured..


2 days later - and i got it working!


Then the next task was to actually get his site working..


I couldnt load anything up, it was running SO SLOW!


So, i decided to upgrade his site to the latest version of OSC..


I installed a fresh copy..


Point it to the new DB and move his images folder to the right place..


And it worked!


A few things tho;


There are tables like;


# Browse customers_groups


# Browse products_groups

# Browse products_group_prices_cg_6

# Browse products_group_prices_cg_35


IN the old database, and not in the new database?


How do i convert my old DB to work with the new stuff?


Do i need to?


Will these tables in the DB be used anyway even though they were not in the fresh one?


I have searched and searched through the forums, but i cant find anything that looks RIGHT..


Also, i looked for any compatibility issues with php5 and OSC and found some old stuff, and they all say these issues have been fixed?


Is there still anything thats not right?


As since i have moves this site over, my selver load is never below 6!


And sometimes climbs to 17/20+?


Any help would be much appreciated!


Thank You All!


decided to try and get the older version working, as they have loads of addons on the site and it will probably take me a month to get them all back on the site..


might have to look into the php5 fixes afterall!

There are tables like;


# Browse customers_groups


# Browse products_groups

# Browse products_group_prices_cg_6

# Browse products_group_prices_cg_35


IN the old database, and not in the new database?

Those are from Separate Pricing Per Customer (#716 from the top of my head). Actually the ones with _cg_# at the end are auto-generated so no big deal if you lose those.


Over the years there have been very few changes in the database structure. So just go over them and apply those. The RC2a ones contain also some indexes to speed a number of things up.


There is also a thread on Optimizing your site for speed in the Tips & Tricks section.


Upgrading your code seems the wisest thing to do yes.


Right, sorta got it working o the old version, as they have loads of mods to their shop and i havent got time to reapply them all..


I have found out the root of it being slow, and its something to do with this;


Sending data select count(*) as total from products p, products_to_categories p2c where p.products_id = p2c.produ


What the hel is that and how do i stop it consuming my server :lol:


Hi guys..


I have decided to keep with the oder version of OSC..


The site is all there, secured and working..


But it is SO SLOW!


I have tried the page caching mod.. And it takes that long to load a product page, it just didnt work!


I Cant update the store to the newest version, becasue of how many contributions/addons they have - i would add them all in but they dont know what they have got themselves!


I have tried just about every possibility.. Even tried downgrading php on the server from 5 to 4..


STILL slow!


I have seen a performance mod that i can buy for $20 but i have a feeling its gonna be much the same as the page cache mod i just tried!


PLEASE help!


If you need paying, then tell me how much!




Thanks for your time.




Hi guys..


I have decided to keep with the oder version of OSC..


The site is all there, secured and working..


But it is SO SLOW!


I have tried the page caching mod.. And it takes that long to load a product page, it just didnt work!


I Cant update the store to the newest version, becasue of how many contributions/addons they have - i would add them all in but they dont know what they have got themselves!


I have tried just about every possibility.. Even tried downgrading php on the server from 5 to 4..


STILL slow!


I have seen a performance mod that i can buy for $20 but i have a feeling its gonna be much the same as the page cache mod i just tried!


PLEASE help!


If you need paying, then tell me how much!




Thanks for your time.




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