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With as many posts as there are on this great forum, the answer is probably here somewhere but after 3 days of searching, my eyes are worn out.


Here is what I am looking for:


I have 5 manufacturers that have anywhere from 2 to 20 different categories each and from a few to 100's of products for each category. Is there a way that a person can only show the categories that are manufacturer specific?

IE. Customer clicks on the desired Manufacturer in the Manufacturer box and the Categories that are specific for that Manufacturer would show up in the Categories box where they could then select the desired products.


Thanks in advance for all the help and suggections!

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  • 1 month later...
With as many posts as there are on this great forum, the answer is probably here somewhere but after 3 days of searching, my eyes are worn out.


Here is what I am looking for:


I have 5 manufacturers that have anywhere from 2 to 20 different categories each and from a few to 100's of products for each category. Is there a way that a person can only show the categories that are manufacturer specific?

IE. Customer clicks on the desired Manufacturer in the Manufacturer box and the Categories that are specific for that Manufacturer would show up in the Categories box where they could then select the desired products.


Thanks in advance for all the help and suggections!


That would also very interesting for me. Can somone give a answer?

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